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December Myspace Blog
by emyo81 at 12/30/2009 5:59:27 AM

Bye to 2009
Current mood: bouncy
Category: Life
Hello all. It's come time to say goodbye to another year. Excited? YES! Of course everyone knows what's been going on with me so I'm welcoming a brand new year
Not many updates on the children considering they've been gone for almost two weeks to their dads. ALthough I already know...there is some attitude adjustments coming their way.
So there's someone I've been "dating" and we enjoy each other so much and we're both trying to take it slow. At the moment I'm just enjoying the happiness and excitement it brings and only hope it's not another heartbreak waiting to happen. It'd also help if the negative nancies would leave me alone .
The fam is doing good and mom hasn't been sick since her pnuemonia. THANK YOU, GOD! I hate it when she gets sick. Dads had a tough time but he's gotta lot of stress and him and I feel it about the same time. THe weather, pressure, etc...it messes him, mom, and I up so much. Loving the sunny days though. Even though it's been icy, cold, and snowy the sun has been amazing.
With the loss of Brittany Murphy and now the Avenged Sevenfold drummer, the person I'm dating, and the love of my family and children I've decided it's (way past time) time to get this whole health issue nipped in the butt. Of course I have no health insurance so it's gonna be rough but I gotta get it done somehow. Plus if I'm not at optimum weight when it comes back fixin time their gonna laugh in my face.
Hmmmmmmm...what else?
We'll see I'll probably have a completely stressed blog when the kids get back. I've never had some of the attitude issues out of my kids that I've had since they've been gone on this trip. I can only imagine...
Anywho I wish you all a Happy New Year and many blessings to all of you!
Currently listening:
Dear God
By Avenged Sevenfold
Release date: 2008-07-22