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Living Single??????????
by rosesandsmiles at 1/2/2010 8:09:41 AM

Because you are living alone, no one to compliment or complain, have your habits/ways of doing things changed?
Do you wear that beat up old sweat suit to sleep in because it's comfy, who sees you anyway. Or do you wear nice sleeping garments,just for you.
Do you find yourself crashing on the couch rather than the bed, the TV is there & it is just easier. Do you sleep with 1 pillow clutched in your arms, to feel closeness. Or do you prefer to cuddle up in your bed & thankful now you have the whole bed to yourself. Do you spend more time sleeping, because you don't think about being lonely when you are asleep.
Do you cook real meals for yourself, or do you stock up on frozen, pop in the microwave meals, or use order-in often. Do you sometimes eat strange things like a big bowl of icecream & cookies, bowl of cereal for dinner just because you can no one else to worry about.
Do you slump around in an old pair of jeans & sweat shirt all day, you aren't going out & no one to see you, or do you get dressed as if you were going out because it makes you feel good about yourself.
Do you find yourself being more critical of others, such as, you see a nicely dressed, well built man with an overweight, slumpy dressed woman and wonder what he sees in her & think I am dressed nicely , fairly pleasing to the eye, why don't I have someone & likewise for the men when you see an attractive well dressed woman with an overweight slumpy man, do you ask yourself the same question.
Do you go out shopping & buy something you really don't need, but feel the need to try to fill the void in your life with something.
Have you developed a habit of talking to yourself. Do you engage in a conversation with a stranger, maybe in the grocery line, just to have someone to talk to.
Or, just maybe you are a self assured, glass half full rather than half empty individual who have adapted well with your situation and have formed no new good or bad habits living single.


1/2/2010 8:44:36 AM

Guilty of all of the above and I love it but never go outsdide my door without make up and stunning , giggles or at least I think I am . I love fashion as when I was in my hay day It was my world. This is a a cute blog and I enjoyed it. So, than ks for sharing and caring.

1/2/2010 8:58:27 AM

Well Jennyann I am certainly guilty of all also, except like you, I never go outside my door without makeup, clean and neat.

1/2/2010 9:16:42 AM

lol lol I do sleep in my sweats.....and from time to time something really nice....I never sleep anywhere but my bed....and I cook a meal every day from scratch....I love to cook. ..........It would be nice to have a special man in my life, but to be honest I really dont mind being "single". Is it the life I planned for myself??? NO...But many other things in my life that were NOT planned were devastating. There are worse things than being single....

1/2/2010 9:36:46 AM

At first it was very difficult. I came from a very large family. Now I am very spoiled. I can watch what I want on TV in any room of the house, use my computer anytime of the day or night, I don't have a curfew (or proper time) to leave or come home. I do miss the sharing and the sound of someone else laughing.

1/2/2010 9:43:22 AM

I totally agree, their are worse things than being single. I think, just having someone in the house with you would be nice.I may rent one or maybe 2 of my bedrooms.

1/2/2010 10:40:42 AM

Hey Rose I rented my upstairs and he is a young black man with his own private outside entrance and be sure and get an older person as the young and old do not keep the same hours. He wakes me up all the time coming and going down the stairs. LOL

1/2/2010 10:41:38 AM

Hi everyone! Roses, I am guilty of a couple of these thing...cereal for supperbut that's only if I've had my big meal for lunch...I cook meals for food is a treat for me as I don't get it very often...I have two stuffed animals (that the grands gave me) that I cuddle with in bed. Otherwise, I'm doing being able to do what I choose, when I choose to do it. I don't bother with makeup just to run to the grocery store or to the bank, etc., but never am caught without fragrance on...I feel naked without it. I've no desire to have a live-in bf or to get married again, so my life is big changes needed.

1/2/2010 4:19:15 PM

Happiness and contentment, I love that

1/2/2010 9:31:02 PM

I am so guilty!!! Sweats, no make-up, will go to the store like that if something is much needed....this is too sad

1/3/2010 5:13:09 AM

What a Great Post Roses and of course I am guilty also but I do try to at least once a week dress myself up and get out of the house. How very easy is it when you are single and know no one is going to see you anyhow to lounge around oh so comfortable. I've often thought how wonderful men have it.... quick shave, brush teeth and shower, clothes on and they are ready for the day. Amazing!

1/3/2010 5:17:45 AM

OH and might I add...... Cooking? Love to cook but nowdays everything and I do mean everything is cooked primarily in the microwave. Thank goodness for Spike my little chihuahua who is spoiled rotten. He keeps me somewhat in line and keeps me on my toes with his many needs.

1/3/2010 12:18:50 PM

I have been off from work since December 31st. First day off, in my flannel pj bottoms and a favorite long sleeved shirt. Second day, took a batn, went to Dollar Store, Antique flea market and ketp my grand daugher for a while. Third day, not out of my PJ's again, no bath, but did color my hair. Today, had to go to the funeral home, so I had to get dressed up. Now, back home, going to take down the tree, decorations,etc and chill until work tomorrow. I don't cook or even go to the grocery anymore. Find more ruins than I cook.

1/4/2010 5:38:39 PM

Great post!! Yep I find myself guilty of a lot of what you said! wow, when did it change lol Have a great night !

1/4/2010 6:04:44 PM

Mzlady, Suzydoll, Snuggly and Jacki, thanks for your comments. I suppose we all go through this at one point and time.

1/5/2010 10:56:39 PM

I do all the things you are talking about, that depend how I feel that day, or evening, some time I can care less how I look when going to the corner store to get bread, and other time I dress to kill.