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Why Do Men Not Respond as Women do.?
by rosesandsmiles at 1/8/2010 2:25:50 PM

In reading Posts & Responses to subjects in the various groups, wonder why so few men initiate a post or respond to a post. Wondering if living single we have lost our ability to converse with the opposite sex. Are women more talkative than men, are women more likely to air our problems, desires & hopes with others. Are the topics in Singles Perspective & other groups geared more to the interest of women.
It is not only in the DH thing, but out in a social environment. Men tend to group & talk about the latest tech gadget, sports, cars, work. Women group & talk about fashions, diets, hairstyles, etc I think most of us in Singles Perspective would like to meet a Mr. or Ms. right, if nothing more than just to be friends, but what are the chances if we can't carry on a conversation. How do we bridge this gap in conversational interests?
Maybe it is the thing that women like to get an answer to why & men clam up & refuse to answer. Men your feedback please.


1/8/2010 2:43:26 PM

Hey I'm always participating with the gals,heck sometimes I can even speak their language.I don't understand why more men don't participats as I and the few others around here that do have a wonderful time chatting it up with the ladies.I guess nobody wants to enjoy all the fun and fringe benefits that go with the territory...I just luvs plain with da ladies... And i ain't a skeert of them either.

1/8/2010 3:07:32 PM

You and a few more Cats. Thanks. Thank you Jennyann also for pointing out that my blog appears to be just for men. Not my intentions at all. Women are welcome to comment.

1/8/2010 3:12:26 PM

gosh kids, im a widower now for 2 yrs, sure lonsome at times .maby im to old ,,well i am now 80 yr . but i still like to go danceing & still do . i go to these senior centers all the time they have good clean place danceing .. maby it just my looks ..well i don,t blame you grils for that , ye im abot 6 ft tall still got all my hair (well 90 % of it any how, waight about 175 pounds dress neet & clean , kinda bashful a little .maby some day .?? i was married for 36 yrs had a good woman arky

1/8/2010 3:34:35 PM

Viva la difference!! I like men and don't want or expect them to act like women do.

1/8/2010 3:49:11 PM

Fred, thanks for you comment. You are not to old, heck some men and women can't still dance at 70. you sound pretty neat to me.

1/8/2010 3:55:39 PM

Hello roseandsmiles,i see you are on ere blogging away tonight...........

1/8/2010 4:01:28 PM

I could tell you why most men don't respond much, but i had better not, now.

1/8/2010 4:04:37 PM

Roses I think men and women have totally different thought processes, we just need to value those differences..and Fred my dad is 92 and takes his bride dancing every saturday nite.....

1/8/2010 4:09:13 PM

Rose : This is an interesting Blog and I think we all know but will not post it and true we are right and left brain with high speed.

1/8/2010 4:12:51 PM

"Roses I think men and women have totally different thought processes, we just need to value those differences" This just about says it all...

1/8/2010 4:34:58 PM

"Are women more talkative than men, are women more likely to air our problems, desires & hopes with others." Rose I did this and was told I was a pain in the a** no one wants to hear your problems grow up I was told I was driving my friends away No I wont talk about them anymore to my friends I'm sorry but you asked. JMO

1/8/2010 5:00:02 PM

Chris, good to see you. Louie, come on, tell, I'm not sceerd, I'm a big girl and I can take it. Mzlady It is so wonderful that your 92 year old dad still takes his bride dancing. Jennyann, I guess I kinda know Cats I totally agree with you we need to value those differences, so the men will feel as comfortable commenting as the women do.

1/8/2010 5:05:54 PM

Thanks for your honest opinion Ooohman.I apologize for the person that did that. I may catch h*** for that but, I can take it. Ugly is Ugly I don't care how it's displayed.

1/8/2010 5:11:37 PM

I was quoting mzladybluz,she called it...I agreed..

1/8/2010 5:23:17 PM

Oh! ok cats, I agree with the two of you then.

1/8/2010 5:47:27 PM

Personally I think we should be comfortable communicating with each other. I have found that men have been good listeners. I enjoy communicating with men and learning how each one feels and thinks about their life, hobbies, interests. It is not difficult...... I listen, and I'm not judgemental, I'm tolerant of views other than mine, and share their thoughts as well. I believe men want the same things women want, love, passion, intelligence, humor. this site after all is called, DateHookup. JMHO

1/8/2010 5:51:42 PM

You must have looked at my kissing blog..I said first kiss and over and over I had to say..Not yet guys...... Some didn't seem to get the difference in a first kiss and it not leading to sex. I think as so often men and women are on totally different pages on things. It is a shame at this time in or life. I sure want someone I can communicate with.

1/8/2010 6:09:50 PM

OK girls. Its long known that like when men get on the telephone, we communictae in concise sentences about whatever issue is at hand. Most mens conversations are usually less than 2 minutes. We are the the gabby types, dont know why, it just is what it is? Again it refers back to the addage of Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Its not a judgement simply an observation, unless the guys is some kind of "metrosexual". And yes we are more "tactile" and "visual"

1/8/2010 6:33:23 PM

Believe it or not skipper, women are quite visual and tactile also. The sense of touch can drive both male and female bwahaaaaa! But that is when the words "No not yet" should be respected whether it be vocalized by the women or man. Usually the woman is stronger mentally than the man, but not always.

1/8/2010 6:52:04 PM

I just had a phone call from one of my men friends and I ask him why he did not like to blog and he said it was more like a girlfriend site than a dating site""""" Over the back fense chatting} and it is funny rose but I have been able to relate to men a lot more than I can to a woman{Guess that is why I have so many men friends} and we chat about Government , travels, military, sex."""" I even tell him what I am knitting""" and we laugh and have a ball and yes we talk about sports. So to answer your question I think Men like the one to one more than grouping like a Blogging Public site}

1/8/2010 7:13:07 PM

Thanks Jennyann, you have satisfied my appetite for answers. I give you an A

1/8/2010 8:30:29 PM

Hey Luckylouie, you surfaced, lol Well, Roses, my opinion is simple. Men are from Mars, n Women are from Venus. That explains it all,

1/8/2010 8:33:58 PM

well kids, it like this ..we men would not be here if were not for you grils, & you grils would not be here if it were not for us men, so haveing said that ,we men have to talk to you grils & you grils have to talk to us men . & we both need each other, so haveing said that, im gloud you will talk to me & thanks ...fred

1/9/2010 5:37:01 AM

When I have a woman around,we often talk A-Z...I talk alot myself,maybe not here,but in person for sure.

1/9/2010 7:00:31 AM

Cassie, Fred, Tim, you all three warmed my heart. You all three and everyone else's comments are great. Cajun I believe you hit the nail smat dab on the head.

1/9/2010 9:32:57 AM

I think in general women are more verbally oriented and men are more mathematically and scientifically oriented. I know this is a generalization and there are many men here with excellent verbal skills. But I think some might be a little self conscious about their spelling and grammar. Also, I know a lot of men my age were brought up not to share their feelings as oohman2 said. I think it might be easier for some men to converse in person than online. Communication is definitely an important part of a relationship. My ex could not tell me what was bothering him unless he had a few drinks. That's one of the reasons that he's my ex.

online now!
1/11/2010 3:00:29 AM

When I worked in substance abuse treatment centers I really saw how much more verbal women are versus men as they were in a much more contained unit. I'm kind of a different cat as I am much more verbal than most men both in writing & speaking. Of course the flip side of that is I ask way more questions meeting a perspective mate which has kept me on the single mantle awhile. I did tell a group of men while doing a mens group that they still would not win an argument with a women. They asked me why now that they were sober & I told them " Women are still the superior creature guys" which won't change-lol!

1/11/2010 5:41:11 AM

I just know, that on line meeting...IF they can't write email and consider a 2 minute phone call communication. I most likely will never meet. Sorry guys, I take it that you can't communicate.

1/11/2010 5:59:21 AM

I myself, having been on this planet longer than most lol have always found men very vocal. Some men can talk for hours......However.....the subject must interest them and once you start to stray off the subject...(yes ladies we do convo and on the blogs)... men go into their silent mode....they will go where they have an interest...much like sex...if you withhold it...their off and running LOL sometimes in their minds...other times , right out the door....

1/11/2010 6:04:44 AM

Proof Of WHY!

1/11/2010 6:08:38 AM

I'm wondering if we aren't as flexible as you girls..physicaly for sure not and I'm wondering if it's not the same mentaly.Moon makes a good point men will talk for hours or the right subject,I believe there are MAYBE three of those,but once you gals change it up we get lost or afraid to try keeping up with you.I know I've been in conversation with a lady and she changeas up the direction of the talk and I'm caught scrambling for the shift knob to change gears...and yup I usualy grind them before I get caught up.But I do try to keep up..

1/11/2010 10:46:01 AM

This blog is confusing. First the girls say to do then they say don't. Arkyfred has the right idea meet them and take them dancing. Hang in there Fred. I can talk or listen, whatever the lady wants.

1/11/2010 10:56:31 AM

Walt my video proved that you can't always.