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First Sex Robot In The World
by rosesandsmiles at 1/22/2010 3:57:20 AM

Here is your heart throb Guys!

Meet Roxxxy, the first sex robot in the world designed by LINCOLN PARK. The doll was presented at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas. But the special feature of Roxxxy is that she can talk when she’s touched. For example, when her hand is touched she says: "I love holding hands with you."
The owner can choose different personalities for his sex-robot ranging from "Wild Wendy" to "Frigid Farrah" and the cost will be from $7,000 to $9,000 for the robot which also comes with a laptop with pre-recorded phrases, words and sounds. But Roxxxy is quite sophisticated, it is claimed that thanks to these phrases she can “carry on a simple conversation.” She also has different sensors that allow her to feel the movement or when she’s being touched.
The creator Hines said: "Sex only goes so far — then you want to be able to talk to the person."
Anyways, it will be interesting to see.



1/22/2010 4:21:35 AM

I can't even imagine what the responses will be to this blog....putting on a depends so I can safely read....

1/22/2010 4:38:44 AM

Wonder if she ever says "not tonight dear, I have a headache".

1/22/2010 4:39:43 AM

hahahah susie...I can always "depend" on you for a laugh.....all I can say is...I am glad I grew up in a prerobot era....I love to be touched..but dont want no dang robot...

1/22/2010 4:46:55 AM

I'm going to wait until the more updated version of the doll comes out - with Lithuim batteries. Last woman I spent time with said I should come with warning sign " Don't turn on in bedroom" as like a diehard battery-lol!

1/22/2010 5:07:21 AM

I thought Vibrators were the 1st Sex Robots?

1/22/2010 5:12:22 AM

hahaha skip....and might I add....still a better one as there is NO talking

1/22/2010 5:16:24 AM

Sure gives a new meaning to a " blow-up " doll. I wonder why they had to let it " talk"...

1/22/2010 5:40:39 AM

I'm going to wait & see if they come out with Ann Margaret models with voice recording of her but remote control-lol!

1/22/2010 5:51:11 AM

Maybe this will help the 90% of men that are desperate for female companions, while women are more happy with the BOB model as only about 45% of them feel 'desperate' for a male relationship. Per, what I read.

1/22/2010 6:12:12 AM

I ain't gettin near this

1/22/2010 7:14:01 AM

So will there be one of these in every couple's closet....You know just in case of headache night...and would it be "cheating" if a husband were having one of these as opposed to his wife.Yup I just put that out there and all 4 of my paws in the dodo pile.

1/22/2010 7:17:42 AM

Watch it Cats, that could be a slippery slope

1/22/2010 7:37:44 AM

Cats, you win the 'bravery' award, but might be in the running for the Darwin award, depending on the woman's reaction to your plan.

1/22/2010 7:48:51 AM

I once saw a movie. This guy had a real tragedy in his life, I don't remember what it was, but during the time that he was receiving psychological help he purchased a beautiful blow up doll with long dark hair. His relationship with her was strictly platonic. He took her every where he went even parties. She was dressed very stylish and was a paraplegic. His family was given advice by the psychiatrist too pretended that she was real, they would give her a bath, shampoo and style her hair. One day he asked her to marry him and she said no. To make a long movie short. He met a human lady and fell in love and of course he had to make a decision about Doll. He took her out to the lake and after a long period of thinking he took her out in the water and deflated her. They had a real funeral and buried her in a real cemetery. If this move hadn't been so insane, it was well directed, and well it was a good movie

1/22/2010 7:49:34 AM

Well it sure would change country western music as I can hear the new Garth Brooks song playing " Caught her cheating with the sex robot" -lol!

1/22/2010 7:59:15 AM

NOT MY PLAN......just a question as I feel compeled to stir the pot and say the things others retreat from...if I hadn't someone would have.

1/22/2010 8:30:44 AM

OMG--this is to funny!!! But really, is there a male version? Would be much nicer than the human/confusing male!!! lol

1/22/2010 8:41:10 AM

.... "No sex please, robot, just clean the floor —

1/22/2010 8:41:44 AM

Roses, you outdid yourself this time, girl!!!!! Im laughing hyserically here just wondering what else the doll does............OMG

1/22/2010 8:54:17 AM

Reading and laughing and thinking maybe I should do as Susie.

Wondering about whether it would be infidelity? ... Can you see dating site threads in the future years?

Rose, it would be nice to find one who would clean the bathroom and wash windows.

1/22/2010 9:05:44 AM

Again "IT" has been brought up by a women. The blogs were getting too serious anyway so I guess it's alright. Flirty; 90% of men need a women and 45% of women need a man and 45% of women enjoy BOB = 90%. Everybody is horny most of the time. The world keeps turning

1/22/2010 9:08:06 AM

The wit and wisdom of Sir Waltaz is again undeniable.......

1/22/2010 10:17:44 AM

Walt, yes it does..

1/22/2010 11:57:17 AM

Well I never really believed in reincarnation but if there is such a thing I think coming back as "bob" might not be to bad-lol!

1/22/2010 12:36:35 PM

What a hoot

1/22/2010 1:03:34 PM

Reincarnated as BOB.....eerrrr,ummmm,ahhh ON not for me thanks...Course I guess you'd get a lot of attention from some ladies.

1/22/2010 2:52:46 PM

sAVE your money guys....there are some pretty hot gals here on DH....... aS for me I NEVER EVER SAID i had a headache or made any excuses....I think I'm in the men's 90%%%%.. Sorry the devil made me do it----lmbo----hugs~~~fal

1/22/2010 3:42:48 PM

I'm with you Fal, I didn't get (them) headaches.That devil is messing with me today.