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by passionatestud at 1/30/2010 6:47:12 PM
Your syllables, words, sounds, these things r your music. Like blowing a romantic sax or the rhytmn to poetry. To stroke the strings of a guitar. The tone of ur voice carries when u form words or hum a tune. U just dont no that ur music is my kind of music. Like da wind blowin gently ova an enpty jug makin a soft whistle. Ur silence is ur music. Ur eyes sing with passion, glowin n flickerin like a candle flame. Ur hands r ur music. Touchn n caressin with a rythmn of breathin. Ur fingers stroke the keys of this erotic piano. No note being untouched. The harder u play the piano the more sound u get out of me. Ur music is my music 2gether we make a melody. Emotions that tell us what we need without even sayin it. The way da body sways when we follow da rhytmn. The way our body gives off the music is enuff 2 conduct a symphony. Playn all types of instruments 2gether n harmony. Can u see that my moan is my music? The way u make my vocal cords sing while u r playn that piano. Together we make the music.