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Different Types Of Love: Which Would You Prefer?
by rosesandsmiles at 2/13/2010 9:56:39 AM

The Experience of "Being In Love" Is Not The Same For Everyone.

Eros – some people experience love with a lot of passion, intimacy and intensity. Love based on Eros has a strong sexual and emotional component. People who experience love this way want to be emotionally and physically close to their romantic partners and they tend to idealize love. Such love is marked by passion as well as compassion (kindness and consideration). Eros is best viewed as romantic, passionate love - the type of love that creates excitement at the beginning of a new relationship.

Ludus – some people experience love as a game to be played with other people’s emotions. The goal or desire is to gain control over a partner through manipulation. People who experience love as Ludus like to have multiple love interests where they are in complete control. Lying, cheating and deception are common for people who experience love as Ludus – it’s all part of the game. For people who experience love as Ludus, it is satisfying to outwit a partner and exploit his or her weak spots (see, husband plays with my heart, who is likely to cheat, lovefraud).

Storge – some people experience love as a gradual and slow process. When love is based on Storge, getting to know someone comes before having intense feelings for that person. Love based on Storge takes time, it requires genuine liking and understanding of a partner, and it develops slowly over time. Love based on Storge is often compared to the love that one has for a friend. In fact, people who experience love as Storge often fall in love with their friends.

Agape – some people experience love as caregiving. Love is the overwhelming desire to want to take care of a partner - a parental or nurturing type of love. Love based on Agape is attentive, caring, compassionate and kind - a more altruistic or selfless type of love.

Mania – some people experience love as being out of control. Love is an overwhelming experience; it turns one’s life upside down and it results in a complete loss of one’s identity. Love based on Mania is crazy, impulsive and needy. People who experience love as Mania fall in love quickly, but their love tends to consume them. Love experienced as Mania also tends to burnout before it gets the chance to mature. Such love is often marked by extreme delusions, feelings of being out of control, rash decisions, and vulnerability. People who experience love as Mania are easily taken advantage of by people who experience love as Ludus.

Pragma – some people take a practical approach to love. Love is not crazy, intense, or out of control. Love is based on common sense and reason. People who experience love as Pragma tend to pick a suitable mate the way most other people make serious life decisions: picking a partner is based on careful consideration and reason. Practical concerns underlie this type of love.


2/13/2010 10:00:14 AM

I want Love full of passion and thinking outside the box and no average in anything that I might under take so zest for living and being aLIVE is the only way to travel through this Life as anytime you plan long distance planning it never comes to be.

2/13/2010 10:05:37 AM

I plead the fifth...........(amendment that is)

2/13/2010 10:08:35 AM

interesting....I can be pragmatic...but mostly storage...I have experienced Eros Love twice in my life,.,,,,that type of love can be overwhelming and way too intense at times

2/13/2010 10:12:20 AM

I want several of these, but for a start the Eros would be great, gradually moving into a more stable type, but not the way some of those say. No controlling, not needy and not predictable in actions, only in that we each can count on the other being there. Most of all, what ever it is, I want us both to be really in love with the other.

2/13/2010 10:19:39 AM

Miss Flirty I drae say you sum it up quite well...

2/13/2010 10:23:33 AM

Sorry cats the fifth amendment is not allowed on, this my blog of the day.Cough out the canary.

2/13/2010 10:35:23 AM

Does LUST count?

2/13/2010 10:38:18 AM

Read between the lines,the answer is already here....Some of us guy's like to be a tad mysterious too......

2/13/2010 10:38:52 AM

In furthur thinking .,....I dont think I want to analyze my love for someone....I just want to feel it....SO, WHERE IS IT?????

2/13/2010 10:54:16 AM

Is this it moonpa, I like that kind of love also one that will burn for eternity. He's out their. Don't give up.

2/13/2010 10:58:18 AM

Cats maybe that is a problem. We don't like mysterious, we like facts. Put you heart, mind, and soul where your fingers are.

2/13/2010 11:01:09 AM

2/13/2010 11:02:27 AM

Skipper if that is your description of love. Yep it's accepted.

2/13/2010 11:04:14 AM

Now that's what I'm talking about Flirty.

2/13/2010 11:10:01 AM

What ever it is, it must come from the heart and consume you in doing so. I do not fall in love easily or often. I see some that seem to with every turn. I want the real thing, no games. I will know when it is real. It holds on a long time, hoping to be connected, then gradually it dies. I am at the stage now where I do not feel this fire for anyone. I miss it.

2/13/2010 11:14:03 AM

Why Miss Roses I do that all the time can I not have one day of a little mystery,you know what they say when the cat's away the mice will play so maybe I am mouse today.

2/13/2010 11:57:28 AM

I also plead the fifth, Vicki

2/13/2010 12:13:25 PM

Heated firey passion is great but at my age too hard on the body. A simple touch is more than less.

2/13/2010 12:15:00 PM

Now miss Vicki, I know you can do better than that. Ok cats this blog just wouldn't be valid if you weren't allowed to be..........a little mousie. We all know, shall we say your inter beings.

2/13/2010 12:44:31 PM

This was really interesting. I think I've experienced several of these. The Eros type usually doesn't last. I think I'm most likely to experience Storge with a touch of Pragma. I've also been guilty of Agape more than once.

2/13/2010 1:13:02 PM

Well what I feel when I think of Dan is BABY YOU LITE MY FIRE...

2/13/2010 1:38:55 PM

I AGREE BARB....i want the eros love and it will last forever.....passionate and very rewarding. I WANT TO BE LOVED like never it's really going to happen.....lmbo----need a male first...lololol

2/13/2010 2:27:45 PM

Then there's the kind of love that hurts. One loves the other doesn't.

2/13/2010 2:38:39 PM

In the 1940s and 1950s when two people were ready to consummate their love, the camera would go to the fireplace or campfire and the fire were flare and apark and then go to a steady nice warm fire. I think I have visions of a Eros love in the beginning and through time and sharing move to Pragma. I would also want both of us capable of agape love also. (Greedy, aren't I?) No love that hurts and definitely no love that is not returned as strongly.

online now!
2/13/2010 2:50:45 PM

I'm a fire breathing Ero's but I do settle down a notch or two after awhile-lol!

online now!
2/13/2010 3:53:31 PM


2/13/2010 4:34:33 PM

max....calm down my man.,.....or im gonna have to tell you I love you erosly...

2/13/2010 4:41:07 PM

I want a love that is not on the Internet..real life and meet and say hi and go from there.

2/13/2010 5:18:38 PM

Flirty my dear friend you on on top today. Great answers everyone. Eros, definately. Pragma (kinda) Storage, after Eros settles down, but it can't take over.

2/13/2010 5:49:33 PM

I stole this off of Youtube, grin dammit!

2/13/2010 6:49:43 PM

I love your since of humor skippy.

2/13/2010 6:53:04 PM

If he didn't break something it will be ok.

2/13/2010 7:07:19 PM

@ Skipper's video and Flirty's remarks.

2/13/2010 7:47:12 PM

2/14/2010 4:29:06 AM

hahahah I saw that on scrubs.............

2/16/2010 9:43:48 PM

FIRST... GREAT TOPIC... THANKS !!!...... Eros- Agape - That's what does it for me !!... A Good Soled Bond, Playfulness, Humorous, Banter, Affection, Passion, Sensuality, with the Lightness of Being and it WILL LAST when both parties are PARTING together !!...... ( And " Flirt_ me_1 " Has a very good grip on it all. At lest in my eyes view she does ! )

2/19/2010 11:11:01 PM

pragma love with just a tiny tiny tiny bit of maina, i want them tu consume me lol and me him also... just a little not awhole lot