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Words to Ponder
by rosesandsmiles at 2/25/2010 11:14:56 AM

I once read that a coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.......
Sing because you're happy; Sing because You're free. If you feel discouraged or wonder why the shadows come just remember. God has been arranging encounters in human history since the beginning of time. If we keep trusting him and singing his songs, everything will be okay. Remember!

• Noah was a drunk

• Abraham was too old

• Isaac was a daydreamer

• Jacob was a liar

• Leah was ugly

• Joseph was abused

• Moses had a stuttering problem

• Gideon was afraid

• Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer

• Rahab was a prostitute

• Jeremiah and Timothy were too young

• David had an affair and was a murderer

• Elijah was suicidal

• Isaiah preached naked

• Jonah ran from God

• Naomi was a widow

• Job went bankrupt

• John the Baptist ate bugs

• Peter denied Christ

• The Disciples fell asleep while praying

• Martha worried about everything

• The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once

• Zaccheus was too small

• Paul was too religious

• Timothy had an ulcer...AND

• Lazarus was dead!


2/25/2010 11:31:26 AM

We then have it made as we are above average in looks, IQ so Look out Life and world here we come nolw we can ponder those words?

2/25/2010 11:35:57 AM

love this roses, excellent blog thanks for sharing, Vicki

online now!
2/25/2010 11:53:34 AM

I sang the same song Nelson Mandela sang when he got out of prison as my ex wife was moving out of the house with big check in hand. The song I sang was " Free at Last" - does that count? -lol!

2/25/2010 11:54:42 AM

I do feel there is a reason for all our births and feel it was written in the winds of time long before we were born """a thing called """"Our Journey"

2/25/2010 11:57:59 AM

Great blog! Thank you for sharing.

2/25/2010 11:58:36 AM

Harry it counts for me.

2/25/2010 11:59:01 AM

I did the same thing when I left my husband in 1976, Thank God I was free again and I never remarried nor ever will.

2/25/2010 12:01:07 PM

s Thank you all for reading. Enjoy.

2/25/2010 12:50:26 PM

"I once read that a coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous....... " Show me when God has ever been anonymous? This is not what I read ealier...) Taking all of these lines out of context takes from these great men of scripture and makes them seem as undesirables,,, to a new person seeking Christ,, this could be a turn off... that is how I see it! We all have flaws,,, Cabinary

2/25/2010 12:54:35 PM

Then again cabinary, think about it, a new person seeking Christ my read this and think, oh, ok their is hope for me even though. JMHO

2/25/2010 1:04:11 PM

Can it be OK today...????

2/25/2010 1:17:32 PM

Okie, sweetie everything is OK, cabinary and myself are just having a friendly discussion. No sparks flying.

2/25/2010 1:52:26 PM

For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. (Galatians 5:17) Dear Jesus, Mighty Deliverer, I humbly admit that I am not able to implement by my best efforts the godly desires that are developing in me. I need You, Lord. So many times I have had holy intentions that ended up in carnal defeat. So, Lord, I cry out to You to deliver me from my present struggles, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, Amen.

2/25/2010 2:10:31 PM

I can identify with Gideon............

2/25/2010 2:50:35 PM

i have a bunch of faults so how can i be used----God makes stregnghts out of our weekness----so i can do all things through Him------just pray that this country boy will be ok-----what will my path be---i wish for and pray for a direction-----

2/25/2010 2:53:00 PM

Roses, Thank Heavens none of us are perfect!

2/25/2010 3:10:51 PM

I think I agree with Jenny Ann on this one. I seem to remember reading that GOD, the Creator, knew all of us BEFORE we were born and those "coincidences" are hints at what direction to take...

2/25/2010 3:13:34 PM

God always used those who were weak and relied on Him......He uses the weakest vessels and makes them strong. If God brings you to it..he will bring you through it. He can use anyone who is willing....I have seen this over and over.......ty for the opportunity to tell how I believe......God bless---fal

2/25/2010 3:45:28 PM

God bless each and everyone of you. Skippy sweetie, a special prayer for you. Just keep praying and keep the faith, you will find the job that you are looking for.

2/25/2010 6:12:34 PM

I think that list just about covers everything for me. Maybe there is hope.