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by chellybgirl at 3/19/2010 9:02:45 PM

I fear it....
LOVE. It’s a small four letter word and yet I fear it. I fear it because I know what it can do. It has the power to hurt you like nothing else in this world. It hurts you spiritually which in turn hurts you mentally and physically. Love can cut you deep and let you bleed. Then when you are near death it can stitch you up and do the process all over again. Love is not racist or sexist. It can target any and everyone. It is the oldest criminal. It has been here since man has walked the earth. There is no justice for love. You can’t make love pay for the damage is can cause.
Love has the ability to brain wash you. It can make an otherwise confident person insecure. It can make a person with trust issues trust a person who can easily betray their trust. Love is a trickster. It can make you so blind till you don’t realize love doesn’t love you back. It can make you give up your hopes and dreams. It will have you give your heart and soul to a person who can easily hurt you. It can convince a person who has been hurt many times by it to give it another chance.
Love can make you do things you wouldn’t normally do. It can have you hurt the ones you love because you love them. It can make you humiliate yourself, second guess yourself, and disrespect yourself. Love can depress you. It can have you writing sad love songs, books, and poems about how love did you wrong. Love has the ability to turn your world upside down and make a fool of you. You can’t unlove someone. It’s hard to stop loving someone even if your mind wants to. Your heart is where love comes from and you can’t control your heart you can only listen to it. Love can break you down so bad till you will feel like you have no reason to live. Love is unpredictable and it can do so much damage but…..
I want it
When you love someone or someone loves you it’s the best feeling in the world. Everyone wants love. You can have everything in the world but without love it’s not enough. Love can mean different things to many people but I have my own definition of love. Love to me is a person who is willing to give their all to you. Their life included. If you were sick this person wishes they could take your pain and suffer instead of you. A person who loves you loves who you are. This person does not care if you keep up with the latest fashion. Or if your hair and makeup is perfect. This person loves you no matter what you have or don’t have. You can be yourself with someone who loves you. If you have a stupid idea this person will let you know how they feel about it but they will support you anyhow. If you had a long day at work or school this person is there to comfort you.
Someone who loves you is willing to put you before themselves. This person wants to know your hopes and dreams and help you achieve them. When someone loves you they will be with you and you only. This person loves to be around you and loves to put a smile on your face. And if you have a problem this person does not hesitate to solve it. When someone loves you they will provide for you as much as they can even if they have to go without. When you love someone you can trust them with your secrets. This person will love you despite your flaws. They may even love your flaws. This person makes you feel complete. This person makes up where you lack. When you are in love it makes you forget about the world around you. Nothing can touch you. Love blankets you with protection. It makes you feel save…invincible even. If love is all you have appreciate it. Because there are millions of people who wish they had it.