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Sweet love
by lovemindygirl28 at 3/27/2010 1:04:39 AM

sometimes I wounder if I will ever find true love!
What is true love? I think its unconditional love!
love is not out of obligation! It's out of your own heart and doing it because out of the kindness of your hear!I sometimes can't sleep because your on my mind. All I want to do is meet you and spend the rest of my life getting to know you! I can't wait tell that day I meet you face to face! I can't wait when you hold me for the first time and we kiss! Will I be old or young when I finely meet you for the first time! I don't know you but my soul misses you! I long to meet you to see you! Please don't give up on me! I am here with you and your here with me! We have a destiny to be together forever! I hope this doesn't make me sound crazy just crazy in love with you! Your my best friend and I will not stop searching tell we meet again! until them my dreams will do..I see you in my dreams but not your face so what is that suppose to mean? I wish I wish you were here with me! Until We see each other face to face! God be with you and his grace! I am with you with all my heart! My heart is yours!
With all my love goes out to you!
Love always