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It has begun...Refuse new coins!
by rosesandsmiles at 5/11/2010 1:03:43 PM


It has begun...Refuse new coins!

Please help do this.. Refuse to accept these when they are handed to you.
I received one from the Post Office as change and I asked for a dollar bill instead.
The lady just smiled and said 'way to go', so she had read this e -mail.
Please help out..our world is in enough trouble without this too!!!!!

U.S.Government to Release New Dollar Coins

You guessed it
If ever there was a reason to boycott something, THIS IS IT!!!!


Together we can force them out of circulation..


5/11/2010 1:56:44 PM

I agree I use them as 25cents LOL

5/11/2010 2:02:54 PM

You got it, Roses!!!!

5/11/2010 2:06:04 PM

Yep, 'In Go We Trust' is gone

5/11/2010 2:15:09 PM

Well, thats the Pits........We should have expected it since they took GOD out of the schools. I dont want a dollar without GOD's name on it.

5/11/2010 2:18:48 PM

yes i agree 100%

5/11/2010 3:03:47 PM

5/11/2010 3:08:24 PM

Right on. Without "In GOD We Trust" who is going to back our dollars?

5/11/2010 3:31:30 PM

More and more each new affront by this nation puts us all at risk for some very gruesome judgments. the 2012 date becomes less of a "fairytale" and more of a warning. "Let those who have the eyes to see,..see and let those who have the ears to hear...hear.""

5/11/2010 4:21:08 PM

Isn't "In God We Trust" embossed on the side of the coin?

5/11/2010 5:08:49 PM

Roses...did this happen to you or is this from an email? Yeti you are right the 2007-2008 coins had "In God we Trust" on the side or edge of the coin. In 2009 beginning with the William Henry Harrison coin it was put back on the front in the bottom left portion. (this is as per snopes)

5/11/2010 5:10:23 PM

dejad, vetsmom.

5/11/2010 5:15:50 PM

We, the majority of God fearing individuals are losing control of our Nation to a minority who have nothing better to do then tear this Nation apart little by little.

5/11/2010 6:10:37 PM

OMG... Thank you.

5/11/2010 7:56:11 PM

If God doesn't bless us....we are damned

5/11/2010 8:07:32 PM

Blackhawk, being a God-fearing person has nothing to do with controlling our nation. Non God-fearing people are not the minority, nor the ones who are running our government. I do wonder about the non God-fearing (loving) people and if they even have an opinion about having God on every coin they handle. Would you suggest they not accept currency and only use money orders, or debit or credit cards?In a non-biased world, everyone's ideals would be respected. "It was found that the Act of Congress dated January 18, 1837, prescribed the mottoes and devices that should be placed upon the coins of the United States. This meant that the mint could make no changes without the enactment of additional legislation by Congress." I don't recall an "act of Congress" to remove the motto. President Roosevelt wrote: "My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that to put such a motto on coins, or to use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence, which comes dangerously close to sacrilege... it seems to me eminently unwise to cheapen such a motto by use on coins, just as it would be to cheapen it by use on postage stamps, or in advertisements." "The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Critics contend that the motto's placement on money constitutes the establishment of a religion or a church by the government."

5/12/2010 5:03:06 PM

It cheapens our country to take God out of everything to please a minority of the people......May God bless our country even though we don't deserve being blessed. The sleeping church has stood back and allowed God to be taken out of everything... sleep on... what right will be taken from us next?

5/12/2010 6:03:03 PM

"Give unto Ceaser what is Ceasers." In our Country. It could be; "give unto Sleazers what is Sleazers." Our congress has to go. In Gods time it will. I am with you I will keep one to show to friends and those who believe. Then refuse from there on out. Dabloons for bafoons. Where is our media? Selling soap for the dabloon! Good Morning America is a ridiculous waste of time boycott them as well.

5/12/2010 7:14:28 PM

In God we Trust is on the side of the coin..

online now!
5/12/2010 8:27:57 PM

Yes, In God we trust is on the side of the coin. I read it on Snope's but I also checked it myself to be sure. It is indeed there.

5/18/2010 1:10:39 PM

Thanks everyone for your comments. I had two that I won from a ford dealership and I didn't see In God We Trust on them, but that certainly doesn't mean it wasn't their somewhere

5/18/2010 1:13:17 PM

thanks dear rose for the infomation, Vicki

5/18/2010 2:03:05 PM

Got overzealous.....didn't do my homework....copied and pasted blog and pic and sent to all my email list....was corrected by almost's on the side of the coin...... Can't hold my patriotism against me...I thought I was doing a good thing

5/18/2010 6:03:44 PM

"In God We Trust", if it is stamped on a coin or not. "In God We Trust" if it is stamped on a slice of bread or not. The simple fact is "In God We Trust" is in our hearts, minds and souls.

5/19/2010 6:39:25 AM

perhaps they will put 'god willing' on them.. huh?