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A toilet made out of poop.
by rosesandsmiles at 5/31/2010 8:47:19 PM


Cast your eyes upon Virginia Gardiner's LooWatt, a toilet made out of poop. The waterless toilet collects solid waste which is deposited into a container lined with 'a carbon impregnated biodegradable film' made of starch. When the container is full, the poop is harvested from the toilet and taken to an anaerobic digester (a poop eater) that captures the resultant methane gas which then can be used as a fuel source. That, ladies and gentlemen, is TRUE waste management.


5/31/2010 9:19:27 PM

I am impressed and this would be great for 3rd world countries to prevent all sorts of health problems and they have very little water if any """"but she did not mention the cost $$$ yep back to money Just can not get away from it.$$$

online now!
6/1/2010 1:31:00 AM

All I can say is " no chit"!lol!

6/1/2010 3:34:56 AM

well isnt this what I needed to see first thing this morning....

6/1/2010 4:42:33 AM


6/1/2010 4:56:19 AM

Very smart women that Ms. Virginia....

6/1/2010 5:04:18 AM

We do have some bright youngster out there to whom to hand off taking care of the world.

I agree, JennyAnn, it would be a wonderful solution.

And I am impressed with the industriousness of those worms.

6/1/2010 5:28:43 AM

L’Oreal’s Cosmetics Factory Set to Run on Poop Poop and perfumes are not two words that normally go together, so we were surprised to find that L’Oreal truly embraces this association. At one of their factories in Libramont, Belgium, the company has decided to install a biomass electricity-generating system that will be used to create personal care products. Poop-powered cosmetics? We’d buy that! The plant in question will maintain an anaerobic digestion system that captures methane from waste biomass. It will generate roughly 85% of the factory’s power, and will use the waste from the adjacent cattle farming area as its fuel. This project is part of the company’s program to reduce its carbon footprint. According to L’Oreal, if all goes well, they expect to cut emissions by 50% by 2015 (based on 2005 levels). While cosmetics are a controversial topic and will probably continue to be for years to come, we can at least say that we approve of L’Oreal’s poop-powered factory strategy. One small step for L’Oreal. One giant leap toward our goal of someday powering the world with our waste

6/1/2010 5:38:36 AM

Pooptricity: We talk about poop all the time — pig poop, cow poop and chicken poop — so why not start talking about our own? This stinky taboo might be keeping us from a great energy source. Scientists in the UK are looking into creating a closed loop system using human waste that would provide electricity to the grid. Seems like a great idea to us, but the question is: would you use poop to power your home? Would you use human waste to power your home? Yes! What a great way to close the loop! UK Prepares to Use Human Poop to Power Homes | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World We will never run out of POOP.

6/1/2010 5:42:50 AM


6/1/2010 5:43:47 AM

you are so right rose...

6/1/2010 7:49:14 AM

Some of the sex scents{perfumes} are made from bat droppings.{poop}

6/1/2010 10:27:22 AM

Bat Shit, It figures.

6/1/2010 11:05:10 AM

Yes there is the cost, but the biggest question to me (that was also not mentioned) is how does it get rid of pee??? I rarely go number 2 without going number 1.

6/1/2010 11:52:19 AM

OH John David your so right...

6/1/2010 3:12:48 PM

Oh thanks, great info. something i needed to know

6/1/2010 3:15:37 PM

"Oh good grief"

6/1/2010 5:46:53 PM

6/1/2010 8:49:57 PM

johnny ; that would be great for people without an rv's """"the campers who tough it out in mountains and deep in the woods .

6/3/2010 2:39:56 PM

QUOTE: " Scientists in the UK are looking into creating a closed loop system using human waste that would provide electricity to the grid. Seems like a great idea ".......One of the Scandinavian countries has for many years been using it hot sewage to generate heat, for heat buildings and homes in a big city for many years now. ...... ALSO: The town of Kallameth Falls, Oregon has been generating electric from the local underground heat they are extracting from the Geothermal underground source that is so plentiful there.... They even have extra heat to heat their city side-walks to melt the snow ! There are all kinds of energy methods to be used, problem is most Americans are to extravagant to want to make chages and be conservative...... Lots of time it because it will make there property look UGLY with a solar water heater on their roofs, even in supper HOT Tucson AZ. You have to look real hard and close to find just a very few homes with hot water heater units on their roofs......But the sun shins HOT for many months of the year. But those people complain every winter about their high $ coast of Gas to heat home/ water..... We Americans are mostly living in a Liberal minded extravagant society... it takes decades to make a little change in our life styles.... The Japanese used to use the POP as fertilizers on crops, grow themselves very good food for many generation too. Now days humans just send all that nasty sewer treated POP water down stream to the next town or dump it in the ocean ....Change will come slowly . !!

6/3/2010 2:42:32 PM

Hey that is just like the concept on Air Planes {toilet}

6/4/2010 2:28:12 AM

From Poop thou art...from Poop thou will return.

6/6/2010 9:15:43 AM

she not a genius she jsut saw an opp where the rest of us missed it. we all learned in science class that our waste produces METHANE!!!!! it is basic chemistry people!!! she just saw the $$$ behind it!!!