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Aroma and Arousal
by rosesandsmiles at 6/4/2010 6:37:47 AM

pumpkin pie Pictures, Images and Photos

Pumpkin pie and lavender, and other food smells like doughnuts and licorice, don’t seem like the kinds of odors men would find sexually stimulating. Yet for several years, these allegedly potent odors have appeared in media stories about male aphrodisiacs, garnering wide-eyed looks and more than a few guffaws.

The odors from the above-mentioned foods were the most sexually tantalizing of those tested in a study carried out in the late 1990s by Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, who directs the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago.

Among all the odors tested, the combination of pumpkin pie and lavender produced the greatest increase in arousal (a 40 percent increase in penile blood flow). Pumpkin pie and lavender ice cream. "Yum"


6/4/2010 6:43:18 AM

I've always found Lavender sent to be good. Men love it on women, soaps and lotions that have a lite lavender sent.... I haven't tried smelling like a pumpkin pie..Yet that is.

6/4/2010 6:45:44 AM

I will immediately light my pumpkin pie candles and open the door

6/4/2010 6:47:53 AM

Rose,do you know what arouses women..? well, lol... I KNOW..BUT I MEAN THE ..AROMA'S..Guys that have tasted my pumpkin pie love it.I always have to make it at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.never had the lavendar ice cream around

6/4/2010 6:51:05 AM

By the 40% penil flow half an erection?? sorry...the made me do it

6/4/2010 6:54:43 AM

It means they are ready to go into the Lavender bubble bath with you Moon..that would get the other 60% flowing.

6/4/2010 6:57:47 AM

I do not have time to answer this as I am busy baking a pumpkin pie and putting our the wonderful smells that will draw a wonderful MAN to my hut.

6/4/2010 7:04:58 AM

You women are all so funny...oh moon think of the other 60% comming...I'm going out to buy pumpkin perfume.. and putting it everywhere !

6/4/2010 7:09:31 AM

6/4/2010 7:11:11 AM

cats,,,,if L arrives smelling like lavander............well, need I say more

6/4/2010 7:16:17 AM


6/4/2010 7:16:30 AM

... DANG! You mean I've been wasting my ice cream? ... Cheer

6/4/2010 7:31:57 AM

Maggy I know what arouses me but maybe I need to know (what arouses women) I would think a good sensual man that has caught the aroma of my pumpkin pie baking and the taste of my home made lavender ice cream.

6/4/2010 7:43:21 AM

Moon I'm a goner no matter surrender sometimes a man just has to know when to give in to the inevitable...

6/4/2010 7:50:41 AM

I couldn't agree with you more Cats. Surrender to the arms of love.

6/4/2010 7:53:23 AM

Hell with me a woman just needs to splash on dab of chainsaw oil or boat motor oil she will have my undivided attention. She start talking where to get best chainsaws I'll be drooling by then-lol!

6/4/2010 7:58:22 AM

yes, roses,,,,,as long as those arms dont want to squeeze the life out of you.

6/4/2010 8:06:09 AM

.. Well said, Ms. Moon .... but a little "patting" on the ... leg ... once in while doesn't hurt! ... Cheer

6/4/2010 8:26:34 AM

Dammmmn Harry! Let's get sensual. Motor oil and chain saws. us girls might need some pumpkin pie and lavender ice cream.

online now!
6/4/2010 8:32:38 AM

I have always believed that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach....

6/4/2010 9:40:54 AM

6/4/2010 9:59:08 AM

I wonder if it is the smell that is the aphrodisiac, or the thoughts the person is thinking while smelling the different smells?

6/4/2010 10:04:35 AM

WTF, this site is screwing up again! 3 times tried to post, and got blown off!

6/4/2010 10:15:42 AM

... Sorry, about your post attempts ... but I see you have a big smile on your face! ... ... Cheer

6/4/2010 10:48:12 AM

LK; I'll take that 40%. That's enough. Viagra would take care of the rest.

6/4/2010 10:49:54 AM

Ok I can't seem to stay oot of trouble today (nor do I seem to want to) so here it is folks and please to remember somebody had to say it......This blog should be required reading for those who think their chit don't stink,might give them a new perspective....

6/4/2010 11:14:00 AM

OHoooo I'm sure glad I got a fair warning otherwise I might have become a fake and Love ye guy

6/4/2010 11:18:23 AM

6/4/2010 1:00:48 PM

I like Harry's idea, chain saws and motor oil My day was HOT CARS and DRAG STRIPS, burning rubber, sweat, and lots of alcohol, chicks in Daisy Dukes and a FREE LANCE ATTITUDE

6/4/2010 1:38:44 PM

you guys are a ok with me - funny and to the point

6/4/2010 3:41:43 PM

Lois, good choice, they are both (ha ha) crazy but they are both alright by me. Skipper you being from MS also, you know we gals use to drag race, burn rubber and sweat just as good as most. The hunks, tight jeans and yes the alcohol. The Higher Power was certainly watching over us all. Those were the days

6/9/2010 1:02:57 PM

I HAVE NEVER HEARD of lavender ice-cream.R u kidding?? I'll be I COULD TURN HIM ON FASTER THAN THAT PUMPKIN PIE SMELL...... YESTERDAY THE DOC SAID ,YOU CAN do anything you want to except lay on your would screw up this bubble--lol I WANTED TO TELL HIM there were other ways...but I BEHAVED..............oh,oh....I'm probanly in trouble--lmbo