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What Attracts your Attention more?
by rosesandsmiles at 6/18/2010 8:49:49 AM

A good looking face or nice body: Booty or Boobs?


6/18/2010 8:52:57 AM

Well I'm NOT into nope nope....nice body WITH a good looking face would be, none of that matters if he opens his mouth and nothing comes out but cussing and insults

6/18/2010 8:55:08 AM

...Ah friend Roses when I am quite through with the EYES..(one must check for the nagic) I am more than happy to follow the curves to the,shall we say...southeren side of town.....(low evil cackling laughter).....No the Lovely Lady Leslie is not at home just now so I won't get clobbered till later...

6/18/2010 8:57:05 AM

I notice the over all view called" first impression" and to me "IT is body and face and over all stance of carriage.

6/18/2010 8:57:17 AM

I agree with Moon....what comes out of his mouth is soooo important it can wipe out the nice bod and handsome face. I also like nice legs on a man..

6/18/2010 9:22:50 AM

Personality and common sense/intelligence are what makes someone attractive.

6/18/2010 9:26:57 AM

Face? Booty? Boobs? etc. None of it really matters as it is all visual. I think "Who you are" is much more important than "What you look like". JMHO

6/18/2010 9:30:04 AM

Agrees with 10snut.....Personality and a good butt in a pair of jeans is a plus, but not necesary. Hi ladies and Hi Roses

6/18/2010 9:37:08 AM

well i wont date a total TROLL. and i dont want to be crushed under a HUGE MAN. but if he a little burly in the middle that is cool and if he cuss ok as long as it is not total filth. i dont want my man to have boobs or a booty.. but if his frontal package is stacked that is a huge bonus but he have to know what he doing with it. he can be a slight geeky but he must be a sweetheart 100%, a hard worker 100% and 100000000% attentive to my needs in bed...he do that and im down for him he cant be orangry or too much or to his sexuality or a sad sack who apologizes for everything whether he did it or not or with something they dont have a cure for! i dont want you number. no im not gonna give you mine and no i dont want u to take me no where no i dont want none of your time! no i dont want no scrub! A scrub is a guy that cant get no love form me hanging otu of the passenger side of his best friends ride tryin to holla at me! id rather have the one who is right for me...

6/18/2010 10:07:17 AM

You can always turn off the lights.

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6/18/2010 10:30:16 AM

Intelligence, wit and a sparkle in the eyes...

6/18/2010 10:44:35 AM

Personality wins with me everytime. Secret to all it does not take any more effort to date a good looking women then to date any women. Hugh Hefner has proven that. Some people will say that he has money that's why he gets those girls - who cares how he got them - he got them. But sometimes good looking women have no personality at all. Ever wonder why so many good looking women can't find a man and the avg looking women has a man or a husband? Funny when I was in Mexico at a nightclub all the 300lb+ women had a date - the model looking women were by themselves - Funny how that works.

6/18/2010 11:05:45 AM


6/18/2010 11:09:03 AM

(WRONG) It's the hair...

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6/18/2010 11:37:09 AM

Thank goodness I don't have to lug those things around all day.....

6/18/2010 11:52:32 AM

Yea right dogman, We all know that Dolly has the face, body, and booty. The boobs and hair are both fake. Be it what may, she is a very attractive lady. But so is Andy Garcia He has a wonderful personality, charm, a cute little booty and a goofy smile.

6/18/2010 12:43:48 PM

Wisdom from learning life lessons is sexy; courtesy and thoughtfulness is even more sexy. I will admit there is a shallow part of me that enjoys seeing eyes that laugh with good humor and a strutting butt in levis.

6/18/2010 12:55:12 PM

I had a fortune cookie one time..It said: Beware of the shinny Red Apple..It can have worm.

6/18/2010 1:09:03 PM

personality and sence of humor!, Vicki

6/18/2010 2:47:49 PM

How easily you men fell into this trap.It's a woman's mind and attitude.A challenge.Believe that.

6/18/2010 2:57:56 PM

Hey Frank at least I said eyes first..That should count for something

6/18/2010 3:13:21 PM

Yea you got traped Frank, don't you think? Seems to be working well

6/18/2010 4:20:36 PM

Oh flirty I so agree with your fortune cookie.

6/18/2010 4:39:16 PM

I have always believed that you only see a person once, in reality...the first time you lay eyes on them...After that they appear to you in the light of your feelings for them....Love = attractiveness......dislike = unattractiveness.....As love grows they positively "Glow" with good looks

6/18/2010 4:49:58 PM

The eyes and personality

6/18/2010 6:38:50 PM

Eyes & how a woman looks at me what get my attention - low cut dress never hurts but not a must. Women especially who flirt with me - huge turn on

6/18/2010 9:58:28 PM

Well i think in for me its alot its eyes,body,job,no bullsh*t ,and that connection and flirting together is a must and personality..

6/19/2010 6:32:37 AM

for me it is attitude and acceptance..

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6/21/2010 10:06:02 PM

A good looking face and good body are nice to look at, but sometimes that's all it is. A friendly personality, quick smile, intellect and a compatible sense of humor will attract me faster than a bee to honey!

6/23/2010 2:53:46 PM

looks are definitely a plus but give me a man with humor and intelligence over beauty every time.

6/23/2010 3:33:28 PM
