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Yes I Am A Drunk Magnet
by susansheart839 at 6/19/2010 4:42:35 PM

I have met a lot of DH men and overall, they drink to excess...I mean, they slur their words when they call me, for crissakes! Knowing that I had a disaster marriage for 7 years with a drunk and have said on my profile "no heavy drinkers" all I get are the alcoholics.

I do congratulate myself, though, because now I just tell them I'm not interested instead of trying to "fix" them, but boy it gets old fast....


6/19/2010 4:56:04 PM

Ever try a sober one? We do exist - just a thought

6/19/2010 5:00:09 PM

They say we just keep marrying the same person over and over again. Intresting thoughts ya think?

6/19/2010 5:38:35 PM

just as they are making the choice to have the choice not to deal with it...protect yourself!

6/19/2010 7:54:00 PM

Good luck Susan! Lue

6/20/2010 4:05:14 AM

Well my lady like I used to tell the women who wondered why they kept attracting the male drunks when I worked as a drug counselor. Tad like the stray dogs that keep coming over for food - you leave it out enough they keep showing up but take the dish inside and don't feed them & they will move on. From an old drug counselor and sober guy these days - good luck with your endeavors.

online now!
6/20/2010 6:29:46 AM

i know what you mean. i gave up the booze, got tired of trying to keep up with the drunkie girls. i dont date drinkers you never know what you really have

6/20/2010 7:33:48 AM

Maybe you should just settle for one nice guy instead of trying to sample everyone out there, or, ask yourself why the sober guys aren't attracted to you. Looking for perfection ? Aint gonna find it.

6/20/2010 1:05:22 PM

Checkmoot, I am not looking for perfection because, Lord knows, I am far from perfect! I am trying to find a good man is all. I don't go to bars, I don't date as a general rule, and if I do date, I don't do first date booty calls. Therein, I believe, is my problem!

6/20/2010 1:33:25 PM

wow that was a harsh comment about someone you dont know!!!!!!!You all but called her a tramp............ the trick to settling for a nice guy is to finding one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JMHO

6/23/2010 2:48:44 PM

You know coming from a dysfunctionl father, daughter relationship I keep finding men like my father I wonder if God is trying to tell me something.