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so you wanna play games??
by chellybgirl at 6/22/2010 12:20:33 PM

You insist on the game playing. You can’t just tell me you don’t want me and leave it. Or tell me you just want sex and nothing else. Is your life that boring to where you have to play games? If your life is that uneventful and you just have to play games why with me? Who told you I like to play games that deal with the heart? Did you ask me how I felt about being a part of your game.i never SAID I wanted to play along. I don’t like to play when it comes to my heart. My heart is very simple. It may be the simplest thing about me. If I love you or even if I care about you it’s nothing I won’t do for you. But you know that and that why you keep me around. You have an advantage over me because you have played this game before. You know just what to do and say to keep me in the game. You even fool me into thinking I am so close to winning. You know winning for me is winning you. So you tell me you care about me. And you even hang out with me occassionally.we hug and kiss and flirt and you may even tell me a secret or two. But your game isn’t designed for me to win. It’s a game to keep you entertained because everyday I allow you to keep me in the game is another win for you. If it were my game you would be trying to win me over and before the game starts I would know how long it will take. Because honestly you have already won from the moment you told me you were willing to play. Because when you win I win. But that’s in my game and our games are not the same. But I can’t put all the blame on you. See I am no dummy and I knew we were playing this game. I say we because while you were busy setting up the game and trying to keep me playing as long as possible you didn’t notice I had my own game going. While playing your game you had to know things about me so you can stay a step ahead of me. You basically made me apart of your life. Your game took time that you can’t get back. So if I decided to stop playing it will leave a hole. You will feel like something is missing. Now I don’t always win my games because you can always find someone else to play. But if I win you will realize you miss me and that’s when the real game begins. So if you want to play games with me ok. But don’t be hurt if you realize that you have been played too.