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Which Type Of Site?
by latestflame at 7/31/2010 8:39:47 PM
Which type of site should I use my forum software license on? I've beenw asting two licenses on sites which aren't getting any activity and I love working on the software and love running forums so I want to think of something good. I can code some and make new things, so I can add unique features to whatever I make.
Anyway so far i'm deciding between a dating site similar to this one but better, a sports tlak site, and a site for fans of celebes, movies, tv shows, teams, and anything else that has fans.
I figure a dating one is the easiest way to make some money back, but that means thinking of a good name for it and also people actually JOINING and using it.
Also now you can buy .co addresses which are like .com and I could get good names for the sports or fans sites, but it may be annoying to people to remember not to put the "m" in .co.