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Which Type Of Site?
by latestflame at 7/31/2010 8:39:47 PM

Which type of site should I use my forum software license on? I've beenw asting two licenses on sites which aren't getting any activity and I love working on the software and love running forums so I want to think of something good. I can code some and make new things, so I can add unique features to whatever I make.

Anyway so far i'm deciding between a dating site similar to this one but better, a sports tlak site, and a site for fans of celebes, movies, tv shows, teams, and anything else that has fans.

I figure a dating one is the easiest way to make some money back, but that means thinking of a good name for it and also people actually JOINING and using it.

Also now you can buy .co addresses which are like .com and I could get good names for the sports or fans sites, but it may be annoying to people to remember not to put the "m" in .co.


7/31/2010 9:35:27 PM

When I lived in San Diego we had a BBS chat line there (San Diego Connection). It had 64 lines and was more of an interactive chat kind of like IRC's, instead of all of this posting and email crap. People could send /p name for private messages when in the group room. You could invite people into private chat rooms... Rooms were limited to I believe 20 to 25 people. Because we where all in the room cutting up together it got to the point where we started having get together's once a month at a local bar. At each meeting you would draw a ticket and at the next meeting you would give a small door prize for that person. It was wild some of the things that were given. Also every three to four months someone would host a party. All of this happened because we interacted - and to top it off, we paid for this service. There were people from all walks of life... If you can some way incorporate an IRC and assign some of the OLD members as operators for the room I think it would attract more people. Anyway, theres an idea... It could be profiles for background, and chat rooms, plus forums or posting. Call is something like that domain may be available. Later, Ernie