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30 things about me
by sandiestarz2k10 at 9/2/2010 4:20:17 PM

Random things you should know about me all in the weirdest order!
1: I like PINK!
2: I SORTA am girly I have things that I like that’ll make ya go WTF?!
3: Halo is frickin awesome<3
4: Cortana& MC <3 (cant stand the flood or the flood inside the covenant)
5: DOOM rules!!! Been playing since I was 7
6: I’m such a 90’s kid
7:Fave shows from the 90’s;Power Rangers& Bobby’s World
8: Yes I always wanted to be the pink ranger
9: I’m a DIE-HARD WWE fan
10: I am NOT a mark
11: RKO fan since 02 <3 <3
12: I have a calm obsession on Randy(girls have Taylor Lautner I have Mr. Orton)
13:Been watching since Nov.26th 1999(wedding that trips ruined!!)
14: Yah I’m a TNA fan
15: Yeah I’m a Ring of Honor fan
16: I wont date a guy if he doesn’t understand me and wrasslin!! Hands down!!!!
17: Seriously I’m not kidding about #16
18: Yep! I’m a UFC fan
19: My fave division is the 205 division
20: I have a gang of fighters but I don’t have a top fave
21: NO! I’m not a Brock Lesnar Fan
22: Yeah I like Strikeforce and Pride(before it got bought out by UFC)
23:Yes; I do watch sports when I’m not busy (thank god for DVR’s)
24: Pink, Black and White are my top colors
25: Yeah I like dresses and tank tops and everything
26: Fave designer brand 7 for all mankind
27: I like Heels
28:I like reading
29: Harry Potter rocks!!!
so if you hate then GET OUT!!!