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November Blues
by kira_p at 11/1/2010 4:36:08 PM

Well, It is the first of November, and it is a beautiful day, but I think I am having one of those "why me" days...My car is sick, and I am one of those people who thinks of my car like a pet. You never know how much you rely on your wheels until they don't roll! lol. It has been a real hassle trying to get from point A to B and back again...Yesterday was Halloween, my favorite day of the year. I took my daughter out for treats and she had a lot of fun, but my back paid the price and today I am moving a bit slowly. I think maybe it is a combination of things, but I am felling a bit blue now. Sometimes I wonder just how long it will be before I meet that special someone, and he is ready to meet me too. Sometimes I think it is all in the timing. My daughter is starting to understand that her father and I are no longer together and I think she would not have a problem accepting another male figure in her life. Sometimes I think that I am ready to meet him, and yet other times I wonder if he even exists. I think we all feel like this sometimes. Maybe I am just doing my thinking out loud today. I am generally a very optimistic person, but sometimes the glass really does look half empty...sigh...Well, it feels a bit better to get that out. So now I will listen to music and let it wash over me...hopefully taking the doubt and sorrow with it...


11/1/2010 6:15:03 PM

Cheer up! We all have these days. life always has its way of woking out. Youll meet someone terrific and the glass will be full again.

11/3/2010 7:40:43 AM

I remember something my father used say to me. He said, "Do you have food on table? I said Yes. "Do you have a roof over your head? I said Yes. He said, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM. Remember, God will not give us a cross we cannot bare. Be thankful for what you have your beautiful daughther. As for meeting someone, it will happen, your a beautiful, caring young lady. As for me, i'm also disable, I lost my right foot because of diabetes and sold my house and move back home with my mom. I'm now walking, but because of my condition, I also wonder that if I will meet someone, but I'll leave it to God and pray.

11/17/2010 7:04:46 AM

I had the same going on with me. As my car is 1988 I have been refused to work on it. For 3 weeks I was without it and wondering what to do next. I can exist without it but I can not live without it. When I got it working I treated myself out to try and make up for what I had missed... including a Ren Faire and something for Samhain. And I do have my moments of hope to meet someone. My glass seems half empty more often then full. Hope and faith springs eternal and we may fall and trip but we keep coming back and trying. GER