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Another DH JERK
by groomerdb at 11/13/2010 1:45:33 PM

Well ladies I guess when you find someone here to love you are supposed to leave the site and forget all the friends you made and never look back......NOT! I recieved an email today that reads...
age: 50
view all msgs: received from | sent to 11/13/2010 8:29:54 AM
you replied
Subject: good
Message: then get the heck out of here , & ur love
Can you imagine what type of character this guy is???? I would say jealous....a lowlife...ummmmm and maybe a few other really nasty words but I won't put those on here. Suffice it to say a real JERK!
I really think people should use their brains and not their a** when they think about writing these emails. If your not happy because someone else is, just move the F*** Along if you know what I mean.
Sorry but I really get tired of recieving these type of emails and I think from now on I will share them with all of you women out there so that you don't have to deal with them either. I know that some women write these also, so maybe before you decide to write one really think about it first!