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I was put up for sale! smh
by harmonynhope at 2/4/2011 1:18:21 PM
So me and my cousin (if you go on my page she's the only girl in 1 of my pictures with me) was walking to the chinese store with a homie of ours. Me and my cousin put in our orders and was waiting for our food to get finished. A group of guys comes in and askes our homie were my cousin and I with him. He points to my cousin and says she is.
Now our homie likes my cousin but I mean who cares!? We were both with him in the chinese store at the same time!! By him saying that she was only 1 with him drawed the 3 guys over to me. I wasnt interested in them. But they kept talking anyways and i kept ignoring them.
My point is I thought 3 people walked to the store not 2. And the messed up part was after putting me out on front st like that. Our homie goes outside and stands infront of the chinese store as if he did nothing wrong!!
Smh i was pissed alil.