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A Banquet of Honor
by lonelymommy22 at 4/10/2011 4:49:01 PM

The fifth annual KEYS banquet was held at the historical William Penn Inn. I could see the three beautiful chandeliers placed gracefully on the high ceiling, upon my entry through the large painted glass door. This banquet was intended to honor KEYS students for their outstanding achievements while participating in the KEYS program, which is a program for students who are financially under privileged. With my invitation folded neatly in my purse, I walked quietly, weaving between the elegantly set tables. Speaking to no one, I choose a seat next to a few familiar faces. I felt proud to even be seated among so many talented and wonderful people, who have greatly impacted my life. As well as, others like me who through KEYS have been able to overcome obstacles, similar to my own.
The banquet started shortly after I arrived, so others who arrived after me had to scrounge for the remaining seats. Each guest was given a raffle ticket, and the room silenced so we could hear the numbers as they were called. 923512 was my ticket number. I held the ticket with skepticism, because I believed that with over one hundred other guests in the room, I had absolutely no chance of actually winning. Margaret, the head coordinator of the entire KEYS program said, “For the first raffle, the number is 9…2…3…5…1…2.” I had to read the number on my ticket twice because I couldn’t believe that I had won the first raffle. I stood up and walked to the table with excitement to retrieve my prize. I took my bag filled with various food items and returned to my seat. The raffle went on for several more minutes, however since I defiantly had no chance of winning a second time, I let my mind wander to the fragrance of roasted chicken topped with spinach, which was waiting nearby on shinny silver serving trays.
I could hear my stomach grumbling, demanding to be fed! The chicken was served smothered with spinach with a large mushroom center piece. We only had a few moments to savor our meal before awards were to be given out, so everyone eat quietly. I really enjoyed my meal. It is not every day that I am given the opportunity to eat so elegantly. If I were to try to use more than one fork in my house everyone would look at me like I had three heads. As we finished our wonderful meal, we were served delicious coffee. The coffee steamed as the handsome waiter wearing a black suit and red tie leaned to pour it in my cup.
Several people shared stories at the podium of their unique accomplishments. I must inform you reader this banquet also was intended to honor this years’ KEYS graduates. One particular graduate spoke of completing school raising eight children. I can’t even imagine the challenges she faced. The awards for advisory board were given first. I sipped my coffee with great care because I was so afraid I would spill some of the beverage on my dress. I was very proud of my dress because it was truly beautiful and I made it myself. It was a dark chocolate color that reached the floor. I had to lift the dress as I walked to the front to receive my award, so the bottom of the dress would not get caught on my high heels. As those of us who were called entered the front of the room we were each given a small blue box with a gold bow on top. Everybody applauded then we returned to our seats. I opened my box when I sat down and inside was a pair of round diamond earrings, which were very beautiful.
A few more awards were given out, then the banquet winded down. Desert was served as we mingled amongst ourselves. I spoke to Sonia Dozier, who was my teacher while I was getting my G.E.D. and trying to enroll in college. I was honored to tell her of my 4.0 the semester prior, because she was one of the first people in my life to believe in me, and she taught me to believe that I am capable of great things. I had a wonderful time and I returned home that particular day with a great sense of appreciation. It is too often that hard work is over looked, but not this day!


4/10/2011 4:54:04 PM

Good For You.

4/10/2011 5:24:06 PM

A great day for sure

4/10/2011 5:25:06 PM

Just saying "congratulations" isn't nearly enough for such an outstanding achievement such as yours. You deserve much praise and accolades young lady. AMAZING!

online now!
4/10/2011 5:48:53 PM

Thank you so much everyone