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My Debt Ceiling Perspective
by cdukshnow at 7/31/2011 5:16:23 AM

I just brushed up on some info and had no idea that the debt ceiling was going to do what it is.

I saw a pretty long video a while ago stating exactly what would happen and how and it IS now happening.

We should shortly see inflation raises as much as, I think it was saying, 100% each week. A loaf of bread is around $2.50 on avg. It would be about $35 inside of a month.

I have noticed all the gold ads and have recently seen many ads about "seeds". I was like "seeds"? Then I saw that video and it all made sense.

I am literally terrified and really wish I had more money cause I would get more ammunition for my gun, which I believe I will need, unfortunately.

I am looking for this video and want to watch it again although my position is pretty much useless.

Some amazing videos like "gumball immigration" (an unbiased look at what immigration, legal or not, is doing, and has been doing, to our country) can be of great help.

I think we need to do a few things:

Close the borders to entrants.

Screw the illegals, they are now legals, too much money to deport unless we just kill them all (so many people have said something that ridiculous to me) which I am opposed to.

Stop fed income tax. Fed income tax was implemented to "help fund the civil war". I think after politicians and the president saw how much they made with our hard earned money, even though roughly less than half the country pays taxes, they were in a state of europhia and still are! I think we can still have state programs as well as federal with propositions and bills without the "servants" already having the money in their hands.

There needs to be real, and active, transparency regarding our taxes if they stay. Basically a web site with pages to each state and in those states pages more pages to each plan interested in spending the money and probably a home page that shows how much the gov, state, and city makes through all avenues of finance: traffic citations, criminal fines, busines taxes, sales taxes, EVERYTHING the city/state/fed "collects".

I believe if we saw all the money and how it was being spent politicians and the like would finally be making the amounts they truly deserve rather than becoming multi millionaires after attaining their positions.

We could have votes regularly, on line, hosted by the city, state and fed and these votes can be done on line, in person, at the library on their computers, ALL OVER THE PLACE!

Just my personal perspectives and I have crunched no real numbers but would love to see the actual, real time, collecting and spending of all of our areas of government. If we were granted this opportunity, a real visual of all of it in clear view, I think we could easily get what we need as city's, states, and federal government.

If we saw what was actually being done with our monies, and had the chance to make a real and clear vote on it, I think things would change dramatically.

Real regulation of the financial industry and probably through voters on line. Our "regulation" has been corrupt since the 80's which is what caused "the bubble" under Clinton. All of the "regulators" brought in by each prospective president have been corrupt and took part in several illegal activities!

Export could use a good kick in the pants as well.

God help us!


7/31/2011 5:40:52 AM

cduk, good blog! You raise some interesting issues, and I have to agree that government spending is totally out of control. It isn't only that half the country doesn't pay income taxes, the few that do get a return of their money plus with the earned income. Refunds of $5000 to $10,000 is simply ludicrous, while others struggle to pay what they owe. A lot of people in government jobs get them through favors or because they are related to the official running that department. Some of these jobs are totally unnecessary. And a lot of money goes out to other countries for aid, and while I don't think we can't be a charitable country, charity begins st home,and we seem to overlook that to try to impress other world countries. It's all a complete fiasco. How does one make a budget with no money? JMHO

7/31/2011 5:53:26 AM

Well my perspective is both Republican's and Democrats are in the same boat with loaded pistols blowing holes in the bottom & the boat is sinking fast

7/31/2011 6:25:40 AM

I think i would vote for you

7/31/2011 8:27:23 AM

Wow thanks for the positive words folks! I totally forgot to add the part about foreign aid. I believe there is so much to be seen if only they would let us see it!! Didn't we (most of our ancestors) come here to get away from "taxation without representation"? Then the taxing just got worse and worse. It's ridiculous how much money actually IS right here and available. If none of you have seen it I strongly suggest something called "gumball immigration". Just google it and go to the youtube link. It's absolutely amazing non biased info.

online now!
7/31/2011 11:01:25 AM

I'm totally against having another committee to oversee the current situation should they resolve it. Every committee is subject of abuse since the feeling of unbridled power is so irristable. Every committee needs an oversight committee. It becomes circular, and therefore, endless.

7/31/2011 11:30:59 AM

I think you need to fire them all....Hire some adults.....

7/31/2011 5:25:59 PM

Well if we got to make the decisions we would be the oversee. We could do it as every citizen that voted could see where there vote went and know exactly why what is happening. ind-Unfortunately, it seems, most of them believe they ARE adults and heir success keeps them protected from the public which is interested in seeing the real them which is basically means they are more power hungry and wallet interested than anything. Didn't you know their "success", however illegal it may have come, puts them several notches "above" you and I? We could never behave as sophisticated and would never be as righteous as them casue they have millions. LOL Never heard any say that but have sure seen them act it.

7/31/2011 5:46:48 PM

Ok, they mde "the deal". That's a start. Now seal the borders, cancel foreign aid, fire any regulators that have worked in the financial industry since the 80's, make it all temporary and see where we stand in 2 or 3 yeras. That, in addition with the cuts, would be very interesting for me to see.