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My faith and health
by livingbeing at 4/3/2008 10:51:52 AM

I'm an average guy, except that I'm a stranger, an alien and I'm not of this world I Accepted the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior at the age of 12 and really began following him when I was 17. When I was in my early 20's I got involved in my local Church and worked in their ministry. I have seen my ups and downs in my life and my faith. But I'm still here... I got married young, at age 18 and I was married for 13 years and we had 3 children. Two girls and a boy. I have been divorced since 1989 and my kids are all grown up. I'm 51 now and want to find a new wife... I have some health problems, I have Diabetes and a Seizure Disorder, though you would never know it just to look at me... That's why I spend most of my time on computers these days. I'm trying to find a way to make a living with these thins, but it's been pretty hard... Well, that's about it. What about you?
