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by josephfromabove at 12/17/2011 9:30:12 PM

Companionship, doesn't mean haveing sex talks on the phone, or conversations involving secrets beyond death. Fantasies, are not companions. True friends, do not block one another because of a disagreement, they talk it out.


12/17/2011 11:20:25 PM

Joseph, I could only wish that life was like that, some don't understand what a good friend or companion is.......I know from experience.....Rose

12/18/2011 6:09:17 AM

Usually that is true Joseph and if I block someone it is only for couple of hours as I rethink it. But ones with multiple profiles have ulterior motives I have found with none being good so those I keep open the block option. Most of us reguler bloggers know each other as we have met or someone has met them. Sadly sometimes also folks drink and blog & that gets ugly but Merry Christmas to you

12/18/2011 7:58:30 AM

Rose, and Harry, you are both being friends.

12/18/2011 8:09:32 AM

I have never understood "blocking"....I try not to be so thin skinned that something that a poster here might say to me would turn my day upside down..especially that in many cases, the unkind words are words that person would NEVER utter face to face.....During the years that I worked with others on a day to day basis there were many many times that conflict reared its ugly head...No escape from a worrisone co worker, you must learn to deal with other folks foibles or just turn away and ignore A good friend is conscious of your feelings and will not seek to upset you with unkind remarks or opinions...There was a time when that trait was part of being "civilized"....

12/18/2011 12:35:51 PM

Not a poster, made the comment. Decent off-the-cuff advice though.

12/19/2011 7:12:54 AM

Perfect blog for me to read this morning. One of my so-called friends didn't like what I wrote, so took me off friend's list and went invisible. Talk things out? I thought we could, but obviously we can't. I will miss them! True friends do discuss things and come to a mutual understanding. Maybe it's me.. maybe I'm the bad person and have to look closer in the mirror to see the error of my ways. Have a good day joseph and thanks for this blog!

12/19/2011 7:49:19 AM

Do not blame yourself for the judgement of others, theirs is their own world, whether it be a fantasy they constructed, or real, or a combination of all the above, and unfortunately below also.