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Is This love on DH?
by josephfromabove at 1/8/2012 9:41:45 AM

Sit behind the keyboards, and figure every one out, and pass judgement, when 90 percent of the time you are wrong


1/8/2012 10:05:37 AM

Hi joseph! I think you are 90% correct on your statement, too. There's no way to know a person you've never met. Good blog! PS Love the Nickelback song, too!

1/8/2012 11:11:03 AM

But...but....when someone posts something totally off the wall ignorant....isn't it reasonable to expect some backlash? Or IF you ASK for an opinion...take them all or not at all....why get all bent out when someone disagrees?.....JMO

1/8/2012 11:27:12 AM

Don't break out the choc. chip cookies yet

1/8/2012 11:29:14 AM

I wonder why songs are not posting today? Must be a glitch..I've tried to post a few too. I wasn't yellin at you Joseph....guess I'm just a little perturbed with all the people who do come here just to whine! Happy Sunday and have a great day!

1/8/2012 11:32:53 AM

Roxy it was just a staement of conditions on DH. Addagio that was an excellent observation also. Sallybelle, as always you are honest, and sincere, and you never have any ulterior motives, I love your comments. Roxy this song is for you and poco.

1/8/2012 11:34:00 AM

Seems to work for me Roxy.

1/8/2012 11:54:36 AM

Hmmm....had to do a re-boot and now the songs are showing. I actually love this song Joe...I have the CD!!!

1/8/2012 12:22:08 PM

So true Jospeph as we have to come out from behind the computer screen and meet them. Had a few do that with me here on DH and I just laugh at how short sighted they are

1/8/2012 12:56:19 PM

so true joseph. who are we to judge others.But at the sametime,when they we write a blog its an open conversation.take the good with the bad.who knows sometimes the worse is what someone need to open their eyes...but in most cases. NOT!!!!

1/8/2012 1:18:15 PM

I read alot from women who moan and groan about unsatisfactory interaction (or no action at all) from "Site Men". Or even men in general...Very rarely do I read a post or blog by a man moaning and groaning about some woman who "done him wrong" I read alot of posts and blogs here and am impressed with the genuinely valuable men (in the more "seasoned" groups) (Some of the younger ones have a ways to go on lifes path yet) So ...No hasty judgements here...The gentleman that I found here has turned out WAY more faceted and interesting than I ever thought he was "screen to screen". and I'll wager that many here are unopened packages too...

1/8/2012 1:21:46 PM

Very well said Leslie.....there are many men here who are well as ladies....

1/8/2012 1:23:40 PM

this is just a vehicle

1/8/2012 2:57:15 PM

Randy what do you mean a vehicle for what purpose?

1/8/2012 3:01:49 PM

Funny how I spell check my posts, then I come back later to check them, and there is a word mispelled. Somebody been playing again? A statement of conditions.

1/8/2012 9:14:47 PM

Once again an accusation of some vague sort then not a comment. Very brave indeed. This site is merely a vehicle for people with multiple profiles to skim other people's mail, and try to control their lives by constant interference, and trying to make it look like the person they like and writing is responsible for hack-cracking their accounts, and they are products of mal-adjusted people who hide and copy, and paste emails to one another, and call it fun. A vehicle indeed.

1/9/2012 6:39:02 AM

i meant a way to interact with other people its the indivdual personalities that make the site what it is

1/9/2012 7:18:56 AM

Some one once stated & I thought it was so true, about online dating: "Welcome to the land of Make Believe and Fantasy."

1/9/2012 12:11:11 PM

Just my opinion but sometimes we can marry and live with someone for many many years yet you still don't really know them or what they truly feel and are capable of.

1/9/2012 2:09:32 PM

bearenergy it is wonderful to see you are recovering well, it was excellent to hear from you. Your observation is accurate also. acutelady row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. Rand, your opinion is noted, as is mine.