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A cabin in the mountains
by josephfromabove at 4/8/2012 9:09:38 PM

I live smack in the middle of a small city about 250,000 people in the area. I have been looking at log cabin kits, and some look appealing. I have my house, and business paid off, and I am thinking about selling all to move to the hills, I can weld anywhere, so money is not a problem, I can even use a hammer, anvil, and forge if it all went to heck in a hand basket. This would be a welcome get away from this madness they call urban living. What will you do if all heck broke loose, and madness became the norm?


4/8/2012 9:13:04 PM


4/8/2012 9:16:22 PM

Joseph, that sounds fantastic! I used to live in the mountains at 8,000 feet in a village of 7,000 ppl. No neighbors, just nature all around! I miss it so much. Hope you get your log cabin!

4/8/2012 9:31:25 PM

The question was, what would you do if it all broke loose, where would you go, and what would you do?

4/8/2012 9:39:47 PM


4/8/2012 9:41:25 PM

have a friend that invited me to a farm . cannot say where, but said if it looks like all hell is breaking lose . grab the gun and ammo and come up . have to get there before the gov closes the roads. an offroad vehical or even a bike . 22 amo would be like money . light and easy to carry handgun or rifle .got a friend in homland secrity says gov is getting ready to be able to do " round up" in case of natinal emergency . so never know . but like your idea of a cabin . if can get off thegr grid, be self supporting . trouble is you would have to be capable of defending your turf. good luck . no not survival scare stuff, just a reality we may have to face. good luck . feedback?

4/8/2012 9:44:05 PM

If I were back in the mountains, I wouldn't worry about what is going on. I'd be at peace and happy

4/8/2012 10:05:50 PM

hi, calidy and others, getting back to the log cabin. there is an outfit near gainville that sold ceder log kits. cool cabins. also when was in alaska the logs they used up there look lik e they were on steroids. would have to have them come in with crane to set them up . have to consider settling. acesss points for future electrical wiring, radio lines ect. seen some that have drywall insdie but I would want the natural look inside also . got any house plans or drawing yourowne ?

4/8/2012 10:22:00 PM

one last questian . do you ever get hit up to play Jesus at easter ?

4/9/2012 6:44:38 AM

You know, no matter how sincere a post I put on here, someone of superficial intentions always comments on my appearance. Asking me that, would be like does somebody asking you to play the Pillsberry Dough Boy. Have a nice day

4/9/2012 6:46:54 AM

There would be more money in playing Osama Bin Laden in a biography movie.

4/9/2012 8:11:23 AM

Try to live a good Christian life. Get right with God and have Jesus as your savior because all "heck" will break loose eventually. A cabin in the mountains is only a temporary escape in the meantime, but a nice idea.

4/9/2012 12:49:59 PM

Armed, stocked and ready. Unless you build the cabin out of red cedar, be prepared to do constant maintence. Neighbor used to build them. Lives in one. And showed me how the bugs attack and then the woodpeckers after the bugs. There is a cabin from the 1800s tho, that is still going strong. The old timers used red cedar which lasts for ever and is naturally bug resisitant. Not the garbage southern pine they use now.

4/9/2012 1:02:46 PM

joseph u got that man thats what i want i want to live out in the great out doors man that be my dream way out in the middle of no where what i like to do i love to hunt n fish every day i like to move to ALASKA WAY OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE AND LIVE OF THE LAND GOOD LUCK WISH U ALL THE BEST do it buy a cabin if i had the money i would PEEZP

4/9/2012 1:42:18 PM

Once again people what would you do? I practice what I preach, and I do not fear death. Excellent suggestion Orz on the red cedar, but isn't your house at least framed with white, yellow, or knotty pine? Alaska is a little chilly, but I love the freedom there. It may become the new California if the crust shifts like it did in Noah's time.

4/9/2012 2:49:31 PM

alright stupid questian. sorry ::getting back to the cabin . would go with cypress . place in dunenellon were it was flooded to make lake back in early l900s cypress trees still standing . would be long lasting cabin .btw. if want to pay me to be pillberry doughboy will take it , a jobs a job these days

4/9/2012 6:57:50 PM

Is your friend's farm your only alternative?

4/9/2012 6:59:36 PM

Excellent suggestion on the cypress, it grows in the swamps around here.

4/9/2012 8:36:44 PM

yes , don't know really , seems like mobility would be important but like others said . some say somthing like a crossbow would not let other know you jus killed dinner. I don't know , hope I get ratured out before it hits the fan . don't think country would survive 2 more years of obama . on ... log subject. thinnk cypress was type of wood used on ark . good enoght for noah. might have cheaper sourse of supply . guess you would still have to notch and all that stuff. a challenge but sounds like y ou could figurre it out . solar panels . 12 volt powwer source, mabey deep cycle bateries . a manual hand pump for water tied into well, or heck windmill? even if it doesn't go to hell would still be neat to have place . good luck .

4/10/2012 8:06:31 AM

4/10/2012 10:52:22 AM

reminds me of the "Back to the land movement" in the sixties. I lived on LI NY at the time and thought to start a "commune" bought 5 acres in upstate NY, a subscription to "Mother Earth News" and "Mothers Book Club" I loved the country living and learned alot out "grow your own" but I found that I did NOT like strange Hippie people living on my land so that idea fizzled....It was a great experiment though...

4/11/2012 7:06:51 AM

People are only strange to you if you don't get to know them. The land is being bought out, and turned into malls, subdivisions, and parking lots faster than corn grows, so what is everybody going to eat in the future? Maybe the new Air Jordans are very nutriitious to chew on since they love to fight over them. Maybe the latest Cindy Crawford designs you can gain weight on. We need more farming, and grazing areas, and stay away from not only foreign oil, but foreign food, as was seen when all the health crisis with the salmonella from South American vegetables, and E Coli infections from, farm hands urinating, and defecating in the fields of plants you eat from. because of cheap labor costs, and skin flint corporate farmers. Now that is strange.