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cougars and the old men. wtf
by azraelangel at 5/26/2012 11:17:50 AM
Here I am, your favorite ranter with another blog. I am a cougar/MILF.... and I run into a constant problem..... old men are constantly harassing me on dating sites even though I clearly state I am attracted to only younger men.
The concept of cougars and cubs is NOT a new one. It is all over t.v., movies, books, a pop culture reference as popular as Andy Warhol's cambels soup paintings.
For those who have lived under a rock.... a cougar wanta a younger man, 6 to 10 years younger. Cubs are men that want older woman. So what the hell would I want some grey beard for? Why do old men feel the need to be rude, ignorant, and down right nasty because of this? Where does it say I am a bad person if I don't screw someone my dad's age? Come on now, get a grip on reality.
I have come to find 23 year old men lie less, treat you better, and do more things with you than their 43 year old brethren. They still know how to open doors, pull out chairs, and are not afraid to experience life. They don't put you down, tell you how to dress, try to control your friends or your life. They don't sit in frount of the t.v. and guzzle beer before they leave you by yourself to go hang out with their jerk friends. They are proud to show off their lady friends. As far as I can tell, modern young men are more mature than older men. Must be. Generation thing.... the baby boomers were so busy pretending they had a perfect life to raise decent kids who would make good adults. Thank god I was raised by hippies!
In short, I LOVE being a cougar. I LOVE cubs, and I am not ashamed of it.