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Words for the day
by josephfromabove at 7/20/2012 6:50:06 PM

definitions from Webster
1. Tawdry- cheap, showy, gaudy, sleazy
2.libel- any false and malicious writing, or printed statement,or any sign, picture,or effigy tending to expose a person to public ridicule, hatred, or contempt, or to injure a person's reputation in any way.
3.defame-to attack or injure the reputation or honor of by false and malicious statements, malign, slander, or libel
The difference between slander and libel is slander is verbal, and libel is written as in a blog.


7/20/2012 7:03:42 PM

And then there's freedom of speech! My favorite!

7/20/2012 10:02:03 PM

Which is not allowed when it is lies, and mal-intent communicated to defame, then it can be prosecuted in civil court as the person's mouth, writings, drawings, artwork, or handiwork makes them liable, and if it causes loss of money, property, and/or life then it becomes a criminal case. I applaud the Constituion, and the Bill of Rights,as the two greatest documents ever written, but that is rapidly being outlawed by such legislation like the Patriot Act. But public defamation, and lies will be pursued in court. Computer hacking-cracking is against the law in the 50 ststes, and also a series of federal statutes that protect the slandered party, or those aggreived by illegal computer , telephonic, or postal actions. So to beleive in the freedom of speech you MUST also beleive in the quite enjoyment of being s citizen, and the Right to Privacy Act. Quite enjoyment for your edification is the ability to live one's life as they choose in self harmony without outside interference, such as cracking emails.

7/22/2012 9:10:10 AM

Evil, in various forms always has and always will invade our lives....The only thing we can do is to protect ourselves as best we can from it, do not invite it in the door, and pray for protection...

7/24/2012 4:52:05 PM

Evil is similar to tawdry.