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An epiphany during mourning
by kaikai87 at 7/29/2012 12:07:24 PM

Last night my Grandfather passed away..
I was one of the first few to find out.. by text.
I immediately broke down... was unable to find my parents, could not make international calls to my close friends and other family members and I have no close relatives in the U.S.
I looked through my phone and kept skipping names... Who can give me true comfort in this time of need? Those who I did call... were either out of state.. were too far to come over... or simply had other plans and dismissed me.
I am grateful for my friends from afar who tried to comfort me in my time of need... but last night opened my eyes... as to how truly alone I am in this beautiful city of Miami...
Fortunately, someone who was a complete stranger saw my Facebook status and was able to spend time with me, sober me up and comfort me by simply distracting me from this pain (Movies and Youtube videos until I fell asleep)... While those who I truly needed were not around.
I am heartbroken again... I want to lash out.. I want to crawl in a whole somewhere and cry my heart out again. Memories of my brother's death flashing through my mind all over again.
Life goes on... but mine stands still.
RIP Grampa. God has granted you peace.. and I await the day He graces me with the same eternal peace.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.