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Fried Twinky!!!
by annamolly311 at 1/8/2011 9:58:43 AM

Going on a date today... ..taking her to Charlie Browns..It's a mecca of greatness...from, a doll room, china room, war, a room of honey, candy, different sodas, FRIED TWINKY'S && buffalo jerky, a tu...

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*~*~*For the birds*~*~*
by annamolly311 at 1/6/2011 10:06:09 PM

All this flockin' about how your gonna do something, or you are this && that... Ppppplllllease! FYI... Don't talk about it.. ..BE about it. All my REAl people out there.. IIIIII Seeeeee y...

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DH Porn Star Roll Call
by annamolly311 at 1/6/2011 12:15:12 PM

Porn star roll call First..what's your porn name?'s easy to make one.. What was the name of you first pet && the first street you ever lived on... Here's mine. Diamond DuRay. Seco...

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I can totally hear you...
by annamolly311 at 1/5/2011 11:55:44 AM

Have you ever heard someone having sex && in that very moment wanted to rip your ears off... Sometimes its funny, like if a friend is like I'll be right back && goes to the bathroom with there bf/g...

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Klu Klux Klan
by annamolly311 at 12/29/2010 2:36:32 PM

They moved in behind me... I dare bake cookies? 0oooorrrr... ...dutch apple pie? Scrap that.. ..I'm going Mexican.. Tamale's && Horchata it is. WAIT!!! my delivery.. Re...

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What someone says..
by annamolly311 at 12/28/2010 2:24:10 PM

When someone says: "0k, whatever" ... Isn't that the same as.."F**k you!" ????????????????? Sure feels that way.

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***Words ending w/the letter "G"***
by annamolly311 at 12/17/2010 12:10:29 PM

Use a word ending with the letter "G". I'll start.. ...Tang. ( 0nly because I'm craving it...haa. ) Have fun!!

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***N0 H0M0***
by annamolly311 at 12/16/2010 10:35:20 PM

l0l.... So, duh we all know what that means...but, hey, guys...I'm totally homo. I'm offended!!! Not really.... ...l0l, but everytime I see someone say that, deep down I f...

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Pimp walk
by annamolly311 at 12/15/2010 3:00:57 PM

Guys, Would it be weird for a girl to have a pimp walk? l0l, like weird for a girly girl to have one. I was thinking of switching my walk to a full on pimp Haa...what do ya think? ...

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by annamolly311 at 12/14/2010 8:05:35 PM

It sucks balls!!! ...going on week 2.

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by annamolly311 at 12/10/2010 12:56:46 PM

Very very VERY annoyed right now. Is it just me... If you wanted the world to know your buisness you'd tell the world...right? People you trust you keep it 100 (real) right? Take heed... ...

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lakers...GET RID 0F K0BE!!
by annamolly311 at 12/9/2010 12:40:47 PM

Waits for the hell...

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Pure Heaven..
by annamolly311 at 12/7/2010 4:14:04 PM

Kissing her is pure heaven. I can tell she's not ready for the next step ( pillow talk ) but, it's cool. I respect that. Which is a first fo...

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Sweet ending
by annamolly311 at 12/6/2010 10:32:50 PM

Most people want to party at the years end.. ...though that is fun && all, I just wanna end the year, sweet. What do I mean by sweet? IDK...a feeling perhaps? Whatever it is, it'll be sweet...

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Club Walmart
by annamolly311 at 12/4/2010 9:46:18 AM

"If you wanna meet girls... I know a little place.. It's in your neighborhood && It's open everyday... It's free to get it in.. You never gotta pay.. You should see this girl that I pulled yest...

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Physical Feature
by annamolly311 at 12/3/2010 12:27:17 AM

What catches your attention first in a man or a woman? To me.. Eyes. The eyes say it all.

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Sex talk
by annamolly311 at 11/30/2010 5:50:05 PM

When it is waaaayyyy to soon to have sex? When is it waaaayyyy to long to wait? I wanna know what you all think. Anna

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by annamolly311 at 11/29/2010 2:37:41 PM

Tomorrow she's coming over for breakfast.. ...So do I actually make breakfast? 0r open the door naked? This is a tough one...

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The closet is open && I'm out..
by annamolly311 at 11/26/2010 12:34:16 PM

Hi, I'm a lesbian. There.... ...that should clear things up a bit. Guys... ST0P sending me your wenis pictures && phone numbers...

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For the first time I feel love..
by annamolly311 at 11/23/2010 5:46:22 PM

I ain’t never looked into a woman’s eye worth of fire Bet I’m feelin while you holdin’ me begging to take you higher For so long I wasn’t faded, I couldn’t admitted before But now I see what life’s...

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I kissed a girl && I liked it..
by annamolly311 at 11/22/2010 12:47:53 AM

Kissing her was ....effing amazing. Every minute of it was pure bliss. I soooo can't wait for date #3......

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I've never really felt this...
by annamolly311 at 11/19/2010 3:40:14 PM

I've never really felt this way for...another woman. I'm falling something hard for this girl...she's amazing. && I hardly know her. Love?, but highly infatuated with her.

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Love songs...
by annamolly311 at 11/18/2010 9:05:01 AM

Don't you hate when you get a song stuck in your head but, you really like find yourself listening to it all day. I can't shake this damn song...and for good reason.

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Totally smitten for this girl
by annamolly311 at 11/7/2010 1:35:05 AM

Our first date was a hit. She's beautiful in person...OMG that smile ...I could kick myself for not kissing her ...BUT theres always date #2. Can't wait. ::cra...

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by annamolly311 at 11/6/2010 1:59:50 AM

Today is the day people.. ..I get to meet her, my boo bear. Mad butterflies.. ..advice is needed... Boots or pumps? I'm thinking boots... ..Haa. Wish me luc...

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I like her...
by annamolly311 at 10/14/2010 3:35:52 PM

Been talking to this girl for a while now and I really like her, although, we have yet to meet. When that day comes I hope my/our feelings stay the same... ...butterflies. :...

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