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nicelokinguy67, 40 Kewanee IL
nicelokinguy67 photo I'm a good-guy, have a sense of humor,, I enjoy a good conversation, like to walk, go fishing, camping, traveling, working on cars, drag races, love outdoors,.,
infidelmaestro, 24 Kewanee IL
I consider myself to be attractive. I have a good sense of humor, and I'm well liked by my peers. In a woman I want somebody who will appreciate the intimacy (more)

worky59, 48 Kewanee IL
worky59 photo Hi there how are you like to ride motorcycles, shopping, camping, dinning out, bowling, pool,.site seeing, traveling. You name it e can do it or see it I am a l (more)
tbryner1, 34 Kewanee IL
Hi all !!! Im here for three reasons . These are the things im looking for in a woman. 1st - in your arms i want to feel the passions i thought had died ! 2n (more)

rpier_wit, 56 Kewanee IL
I will write something clever here when and if it ever comes to me. You can't rush into these things. I mean what to say to make myself irresistible? It is a he (more)
jscott0886, 20 Annawan IL
jscott0886 photo Hey my name is Justin and im from mississippi, i grew up there and that is my home and always will be, theres nothing else like it. Im a pretty laid back person (more)

cutetoknow, 28 Kewanee IL
cutetoknow photo (no description provided)
onelastgoodman, 37 Kewanee IL
onelastgoodman photo I am a very caring person, who feels that friendship is above and beyond the most important factor to finding that special someone. I have been out of the datin (more)

shovel, 49 Kewanee IL
just an average guy looking for a good woman
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bhccountrygirl photo i am very outgoing. i love parties anything to do with out side

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krazeyme photo (no description provided)
babies2, 23 Kewanee IL
babies2 photo I have two babies, they are my life. I love to camp, fish, swim. And hang out with friends. I like to go out and party once in awhile. If you would like any mor (more)

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