Prophetstown, IL
age: 40
and stop the rain 3rd day here in northern il white side county

Chicago, IL
age: 53
I have a magic wand. Which may sound silly coming from a girl. I believe in the power of thought. I believe in magic. How many out there believe in magic?

Port Byron, IL
age: 54 online now!
no magic here - just pray to the Gods to make it stop! Enough is enough

Zion, IL
age: 66
Yesterday, I threw an old dead cat over my shoulder into a grave yard and it hit a grave stone...
and it stopped raining!!!

Farmington, IL
age: 47
Beautiful Sunny day here! Crops are all in and all is well with the world! (Well, my little corner of it)!!
Prophetstown, IL
age: 40
great for u mike
we got the corn in all we going to get of 8,000acers and started beans 6,000acres,half is custom work got the hay up just so busy