8/1/2007 2:04:25 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Kendallville, IN
age: 50
arnold swartsnagger, great guy he had dogs that would chew up his leathersaddlebags on his bike, would come in to shop and order, great guy
[Edited 8/1/2007 2:05:59 PM]
8/1/2007 2:10:59 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 24
The Bassist from 311, Peanut. Cool fellar.
8/1/2007 2:13:52 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Kendallville, IN
age: 50
sony bono great dude just like image on tv helped me unload chers motorcyle , at this time she was donking that allmond brother,great guy nice to talk to
8/1/2007 2:46:18 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 24
dude the allman bros can jam, i saw them open for tom petty last summer
8/1/2007 2:47:30 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Kendallville, IN
age: 50
oh hell yes i agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/1/2007 3:09:04 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 24
i did the "whats up guys" with huey lewis and the news as they left the stage,....they played at a place called 7 springs not to long ago
8/1/2007 3:11:16 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Duncan, OK
age: 33
mike tyson,jimmy smitts,adn willie nelson, i met em all at pigeon shows and they were all cool, except for tyson so i had to whip his ass and give him some act rite! i know the girl from sunset tan to.
8/1/2007 3:12:35 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 24
ive always wanted to meet sean carter, hes not a buisnessman hes a BUISNESS, man..
8/1/2007 3:17:31 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Kendallville, IN
age: 50
good job walt,tyson is a fool , hey do you know gordon wood from indiana he flew pigeons
8/1/2007 8:24:10 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Omaha, NE
age: 55
Hey, I work with "peanut" from 311's mom. She's a funny lady. 311 is from my hometown.
Have met: Ted Kennedy, but did not go for a car ride with him.
Howard Buffet (works down the street.)
Marg Helgenburger..her mom lives nearby.
Chip Davis of Mannheim Steamroller.
and the last three governors of my state, and the current mayor of my city, and most of the judges.
8/15/2007 8:15:20 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Stroudsburg, PA
age: 45
Well when I was 18 and worked in NYC. I was on my way to the GM building (I worked for Merrill Lynch at the time) from the subway. Now at that age I was pretty hot and that day I remember I was wearing my purple knit well fitting dress and heels. Passing several business, townhouses and Hotels when all of a sudden in front of a very swank Hotel this big dark skinned man calls out to me to come join him and starts singing to me and dancing a little on the sidewalk. I just blushed and tried to ignore him and kept on walking.
When I finally got to work and was getting situated at my desk everyone in the office was talking feverishly about the celebrity that they saw on Broadway near the 'swank' (can't remember the name) hotel. That's when it hit me!! and...that's when I realized I was tried to be picked up by JAMES BROWN!!!!! LMAO!!!!!
8/15/2007 8:30:39 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Stroudsburg, PA
age: 45
Another story that I have is from the free Central Park concert that Elton John gave in the 80's. My friends and I were up very close to the stage and when the concert began it began to get very tight and people were pushing from all sides. I suffer from clostraphobia and couldn't take the mad crowd so I had to go up front to the stage wall where hardly anyone was but the dancers. After I recovered and caught my breath I was bummed that I couldn't see the concert and Elton singing. So a man said he would lift me up so I could look over the wall. I said OK and he did, but in doing so he lifted me up too much and I flipped over the whole wall and onto the stage. So there I was up close and personal with Elton John only feet away from me and I just sat there for a short while watching the concert. But then one of the stage hands or security noticed me and rushed me off the stage.
Once off the stage they just let me be and there I was backstage at the concert and was able to wander around freely. There were bikers and scantly clad hookers and lots of other people walking and rushing around. Someone even asked me if I was hungry or thirsty and showed me where the food trailer was. So I went in and helped myself to some food and drink. Then I walked into another trailer and low and behold I realized I was in "HIS" trailer and all around me were different costumes that he was planning to wear for this concert. Remember his duck one, well it was hanging on a hook on the wall of the trailer. Well needless to say all of a sudden there was a lot of commotion and the door flings open wide and who runs in but "ELTON JOHN" I was horrified to be found out and in the trailer. But all he said to me was, "Who are you?!" and believe it or not I squeeked out "The seamstress assistant!" and he said "I don't need you now, so let me change I only have a minute!" and of course I left. So I just left his trailer and then went out from back stage to try to find my friends and watch the rest of the concert.
8/15/2007 9:24:07 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
Those are really good stories, defiantlyltr !

Ya made the Godfather of Soul say:
I Feel Goood
8/15/2007 9:29:30 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Stroudsburg, PA
age: 45
Thank you stedmo!
And they are absolutely true!!
I had me one very colorful past!!!
Believe it or not I have quite a few more!!!!
8/15/2007 11:33:16 PM |
famous person you have meet |

Riverside, RI
age: 42
My 1st Redsox game in 1987.. I snuck in the back where the players come out & park there cars..I first seen a circle of good looking women so being the shy guy that I am I went up & started talking to them(my friend said ur nuts,haha)..I figured that they were the players ladies so I started to ask who they were..Most people wont know but I think Calvin Sheraldi had the best looking lady there..& one woman you might remember was Mrs Boggs..Wade Boggs wife..the poor lady was going through hell at the time between her husband cheating on her & of course the press hounding them..anyway she was very nice..So my best line to them which had them all chuckling was Damn I gotta start swinging a bat! Alot of nice looking ladies in BB!) So then the players started to come out as I greeted Dave Henderson aka "Hendu" who went on to play with the Oakland A's the following year..Then I seen Bill Buckner but I rolled right pass him under his legs,hehe,didnt get to talk to him but he had a very nice car..Then I talked with big Don Baylor (the most hit by a pitch player in BB history) This is when I asked him if he had a pen & of course his autograph to go along w/it..He had his son or nephew with him as they were in a car and ready to leave,he had a cassette in his deck that said Osborne So being the funny guy that I am I said Oh you like Ozzy!hehe,Then I said I know Jeffrey Right & he said yes..then I told him that he was from my state RI..thanked him & wished him farewell..Ok the names might get more familiar for the true BB fans out there..well after wes gardner,lol..Then I just catch Dewey Dwight Evans right be-4 he was ready to drive off..He was very nice & signed my Celtics bumper sticker & patriots hat..Then Big Jim Rice walks out and he also signed the two things..then the Ultimate moment..I see Roger..yes Roger Clemens! He was talking with a beautiful blonde & some other guy that was there..So I snuck into the convo while he was turned to the guy & I said to the blonde Wow are you Roger's wife? & she replied No..then I said: well I was going to tell him he was a lucky guy..Then he turned & looked at me and gave a big chuckle himself! I said hi Roger could you sign these for me & he did with a smile(he was very nice too,also A very big guy) then I heard a girl yelling my name (Joe D!-Joe D!) & I was dumbfounded..I was in Boston and although pretty popular w/the ladies at home I didnt know any-1 in boston..It was a woman & her nephew outside of the fence, I had sat with them during the game..So she asked me if I could get some autographs for her nephew & I told her I will try..he had a baseball but it wouldnt fit through the fence so I told him to throw it over,lol,it took him a few times because it was a high fence..Jim Rice must have been watching us becuase when I asked him to sign the ball he told me NO! You dont belong in here he said,lmao! I said do it for the little kid he's a fan..he told me No again..I looked him straight in the eye and said..(I must have been nuts at the time to say this!)..I told him: You know I was the only 1 rooting for you when every-1 was booing you..then he said I dont care you dont belong here..Then I asked Roger again & he said no problem..I hope that kid still has that baseball just as I still have my auotographs..not the hat though?..who knows where that went? I also have the ticket stub to go along with them! What an adventure my first game was!!! Sry so looong but I remember it like it was yesterday..thnx for reading if you got this far... :^)...Joe D