8/3/2007 2:18:56 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Brooklet, GA
age: 32
I would have to say all of the above. And.... Eric behave
[Edited 8/3/2007 2:20:52 PM]
8/3/2007 2:26:14 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Statesboro, GA
age: 32
i think katebug has the right idea
8/3/2007 2:36:03 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Washington, DC
age: 46
Of course all of the above screams out at you. Had to go with standing, though.
8/3/2007 3:33:50 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 24
With the right person every position is great!!
8/3/2007 6:06:09 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Dahlonega, GA
age: 54
In a barrel doing it Hurricane style!
8/6/2007 6:59:35 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Curtis Bay, MD
age: 26
I like them all hell being on top with her feet behind her head,Lay on my side with us both grinding on each other,doggy style with her face down in the pillow pushing back on me and at the same time massaging my ball's ,wow me on the bottem wit her grinding on me while I get to watch her face's and pull her hair and run my nail's down her thye's,and not the last cause there are so many more but hell yeah standing up with her leg's behind her head while I hold her up and do what I do .
8/6/2007 7:04:00 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Metuchen, NJ
age: 64
Hey, I can dream can't I? 
[Edited 8/6/2007 7:05:39 PM]
8/6/2007 7:07:12 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Curtis Bay, MD
age: 26
hell yeah you can dream girl,it make's it all funner that way.
8/6/2007 7:31:21 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
Well... alot of doggy style, then laying on my side, on the top, then finish on the bottom, but standing up makes me weak at the knees, then have to slide back down on the bed.
Anyway...May I ask something? Why do some people call making love, "work"? I don't consider it work...and here's why---- At a ranch two of the head ranchers were on the porch having a bit of an argument...yelling back and forth...Yes, it is...No, it isn't...Yes, it is...No, it isn't. One of the older, regular farmhands was walking by...they asked him to come over to help them solve a problem they were having. "Ok", he says. The one guy says..."I say making love is work, and this guy here says it isn't...what do you say?" The older ranch hand scratches his head and thinks about it, then says, "Well...I says it ain't." The one guy gets all flustered and yells, "What...how can you say that...what do you mean it ain't work?" Thew older ranch hand says, "Well, sir...I figure if'n it was work, you'd be having me doing it!"
So I say..."Making love ain't work!" It's all fun!!!!!
8/6/2007 7:33:53 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Rockville, MD
age: 53 online now!
I voted for All Of The Above, but really, I'm getting lazy in my old age, so I can do without the standing. How about "Sitting In A (armless) Chair" instead?
8/6/2007 8:27:25 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Oneida, NY
age: 46
Why is it work?...Because if its good?...somebody I hope is exhausted and lying face upward saying "ok god...I'm done now..you can take me"
(actually..thats just how some of the more recent "events" transpired) Sorry..
8/6/2007 8:41:51 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Milford, DE
age: 25
i love sex
8/6/2007 8:42:24 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

South Australia
age: 30
lmao some times just by myse;f
8/6/2007 8:43:38 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 29 online now!
Ok had to say all the above and beyond!!!!
Where's your picture Southern!!!
Smooches Melbie
[Edited 8/6/2007 8:44:15 PM]
8/6/2007 8:43:49 PM |
Which of these ways do you like to have sex? |

El Reno, OK
age: 40