8/12/2008 3:31:37 PM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Mount Morris, MI
age: 47
Marriage is just fine, when theres money, but when there is a lack of it, love goes out the door. If you get married, make sure you pay the bills & have controll of the bank accounts & credit cards. If you cant do that, make sure you set aside money, from each check, to be on the safe side. kids, on the other hand, compilcates the whole thing. I love my kids & stayed in the marriage, until they all graduated, from high school. If we did have kids together, I would of kicked her to the curb 15 years ago. There are good women there. Just choose wisely. Good Luck!
8/13/2008 7:05:33 PM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |
Denver, CO
age: 49
I will weigh in on this as well.
If you are wanting kids you should probably get married for the sake and stability of the children. If not, there is no need.
Also, look at her MOTHER. This will tell you untold secrets of what you can expect down the line.
Good luck.
9/16/2008 9:33:42 PM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Cumberland, MD
age: 53
If you are a good Christian Man and find a good chritian woman that is what I am looking for Put your trust in God and the rest will work out
9/18/2008 6:52:26 PM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 41
Realize that the honeymoon won't last forever, especially after the first couple of years. The dynamics of marriage change once the honeymoon is over with and thoughts of starting a family emerge (if that is what the couple choose to do).
9/18/2008 8:08:23 PM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Leander, TX
age: 49
One word. Prenuptial. A prenuptial levels the field so everyone is treated fairly, in a way that they both freely agree to up front, and if you want to marry someone, really, isn't that what you'd both want for each other if things fail?
Would you prefer to figure that out now, together, or later when everyone is frustrated, if you break up? Anyone who says you should trust and skip the prenuptial is either uninformed or leaving their options open. It's insurance, nothing more. You don't think you'll have a wreck but even though it's not romantic - you insure your car right? Google Heather Mills McCartney to see what happens to those who don't. In a divorce trust goes out the window. Men have always been badly treated in divorce courts and sometimes so have women. All the guesswork and worry are prevented with a prenuptial.
9/18/2008 11:21:42 PM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Evanston, WY
age: 51
all women are bad.. 
...the cramps.
9/20/2008 11:29:04 AM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Ashford, WA
age: 59
DONT thats all you need to know----LUCAS
9/21/2008 11:03:01 AM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Clemson, SC
age: 25
Question. I don't believe in divorce so if I were to get married, how does separation work? is it as brutal as divorce?
9/24/2008 12:57:13 AM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |
Buffalo, NY
age: 39
Separation is divorce, but without any closure. Further, whether you believe in it or not it may be in the cards you are dealt by your partner.
To the OP: If you really want to know what nasty thoughts one should have before getting married, I would say to you as somebody who is divorced(international marriage and a smooth divorce based on the fact that she and I could not agree on which country to live in) that you have to ask yourself before you get married, "Could I divorce this person and still care deeply about her?" Do you want to be in a position where you are saying "F*** her, she's a b****!" You might have children together at some point. If so, then even after divorce you will have to get along better in some ways than ever before. I would suggest that you think about such matters. From what I have read on here people are spot on about lack of money. I've never had any problem in that regard, but have seen couples struggle with the stresses of limited means until their marriages simply crumbled from the pressure. Never be too cool for school, which really means always be open to learn from others about this WICKED (good sense of the word), WICKED (negative sense of the word) world.
10/2/2008 2:42:51 PM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Royersford, PA
age: 47
free credit report dot com For real you never know anybody! lived with and married my ex and her family don't forget that part, twenty years best friends then she leaves for her boy toy now I am dogfaced and hurt ,I have my daughter every night and weekend while there out living it up on my dime . Marrage licences should expire and be renewed if wanted . I tell all the young people "Don't get married and have kids" do one or the other but don't do both.You will recover but the kids are the ones whom suffer the most . Wish I knew then what I know now .The F-ing your getting now ain't worth the F-ing you get in the end . Besides it just a piece of paper that legally binds you together til death; and shes the first to collect on your social security even after you remarry . They should make it as hard to get married as it is to get divorced .Best of luck to you,you're going to need it.
10/2/2008 7:26:39 PM |
What should a young man know before marrying?? |

Wyoming, MI
age: 42
Well, make sure your future spouse loves you unconditional in every way.Physical, emotional, spiritial.......
But can you trust her????
Im married a Christian woman, thought surely a christian wouldnt deecieve me.
Suggest protect yourself: prenupt, LIE DETECTOR laughing::
I guess the answer is dont rush marriage.
Make sure your solid mentally, emotionally,spiritially.
Make sure your not carrying any issues or baggage from your past; abuse, neglect, dysfuntional childhood........
If your solid and your heart is healed, hopefully you will be able see red flags or signs that somethings not right with your future spouse and you can get out before its to late.
Man, how I wish I had sat down with a shrink before I got married, I would have spotted all sorts of red flags in my ex.

Good luck, serious make sure your okay mentally, because healty mental people can spot nut jobs a mile away. Screwed up people dont discern others very well.
Nobodys perfect but some are really screwed up, so be careful.