Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Earthers seem to marvel at the huge incarnational periods aliens seem to go through. They'll tell their contactees of living for hundreds of years, or, as with reptilian royalty it can be tens of thousands of years or more! You should be able to see how slowly these Higher Selves, not participating in the Earther fast track, will progress. They live on homogenous planets in pretty uniform societies. There are few challenges, it seems, unless they clash with other aliens, like the Orion Empire.
So, if things are pretty ho-hum, is it any surprise that they proceed at a snail's pace when compared to Earther incarnations? Earthers who long for life spans as long as the aliens are body controlled, for it's the body that fears death, since the Higher Self is immortal. With the shorter lifetimes on Earth, we are able to gain FAR more varieties of experiences. On Earth, you are experiencing ALL races on the planet, both genders, all sexual orientations, both polarities and a HUGE range of emotions not found elsewhere.
Remember, judging/good & evil are all 3rd density control devices. They don't exist in higher densities. They are all just different experiences. Few of you who read this can handle what goes on in conversations among those who have long overcome the false limitations of 'the sacred body'. When you don't support the physical's supreme stance, you can be labeled 'morbid', 'insensitive', 'unfeeling' or whatever. These are all used to enforce the body's control over the spirit.
Once the spirit has matured enough, usually in Very Advanced and higher incarnations, you begin to see the body for the dead end, temporary vehicle it is. The body/life isn't 'sacred'. NOTHING is sacred. If anything, EXPERIENCE is what the Higher Self treasures. Every experience /sensation that the Higher Self has had through shim's incarnations can be duplicated on higher densities exactly as it was on 3rd density.
The clinging to life as 'sacred' is a feature of 3rd density that you will have to come to terms with. It isn't physical life that is sacred. The experiences GAINED through physical life are sacred. And by 'sacred', I DON'T mean bow/scrape/worship as that is power giveaway. These experiences are stored ETERNALLY within YOUR Higher Self.
Physical bodies reign over Higher Self incarnates because the incarnates are not spiritually able to override the body. Looking a bit closer, one might ask if that means that the Higher Self is also immature. The answer is 'no'. The Higher Self allows extensions of shimself to incarnate, as per the Game and the Games rules. Remember, the bottom line of 3rd density incarnations is EXPERIENCE.

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18 online now!
i havent read all of ur posts cause they're quite long but the question came to me, do u know anything about a reptilian/human connection?

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
yes have read lots whats on your mind about it

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
My false limitations and dead end temporary vehicle are quite comfortable where they are.If experiencing Higher self treasures means that i may need to think harder than I already do,I"ll pass. Im open for new ideas and suggestions most of the time,but I had to read your post 5 time to make some sense out of it and although I do "get" the point I cant commit!!!! PEACE

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
the only reason he said earthers is that he is not even from this planet he from the planet mecrury and the sun fried his brain so i have heard

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Did you ever hear of just keeping your mouth shut sometimes?

Bartlett, IL
age: 42