8/4/2007 1:38:33 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Still holding to the idea that some sort of holy man lies behind the legend? Many currents fed the Jesus myth, like streams and tributaries joining to form a major river. Through the centuries, the Christian godman has been made and remade.
Christianity was the ultimate product of religious syncretism in the ancient world. Its emergence owed nothing to a holy carpenter. There were many Jesuses but the fable was a cultural construct.
Nazareth did not exist in the 1st century AD – the area was a burial ground of rock-cut tombs. Following a star would lead you in circles. The 12 disciples are as fictitious as their master, invented to legitimise the claims of the early churches. The original Mary was not a virgin. That idea was borrowed from pagan goddesses.
Scholars have known all this for more than 200 years but priestcraft is a highly profitable business and finances an industry of deceit to keep the show on the road.
The first believers in Jesus maintained he was an ethereal spirit, much like other sky/sun-gods. Only later did he acquire a human death, a human life and finally a human birth. The composite 'Jesus Christ' character – god, man, king, carpenter, conqueror, peace-maker, dispenser of justice, advocate of love – was assembled to try and unify a fragmented and fractious messianic religious movement. In the mid-2nd century the Jewishness of the faith was purged but apologists had little to say about a human Jesus.
Christianity's Fabrication Factory
There are actually some 200 gospels, epistles and other books concerning the life of Jesus Christ. Writing such material was a popular literary form, particularly in the 2nd century. The pious fantasies competed with Greek romantic fiction. Political considerations in the late 2nd century led to the selection of just four approved gospels and the rejection of others. After three centuries of wrangling 23 other books were accepted by the Church as divinely inspired. The rest were declared 'pious frauds'. In truth, the whole lot belongs to a genre of literary FICTION.
Would the Christians lie? They said it themselves – lying for God! – from the authentic pen of lying Christian scribes!
With multiple authors behind the original gospel story it is no surprise that the figure of "Jesus" is a mess of contradictions. Yet the story is so thinly drawn, that inventing alternative endings and conspiracy theories is a thriving industry.
8/4/2007 1:43:45 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Hell on Earth – A Brutal Superstition Spreads Across the World
The priestly "protection racket" required the criminalizing of the whole of humanity through the doctrine of Sin.
In a world run by clerical gangsters, the writ of Holy Mother Church was enforced by sadism and torture. For more than a thousand years, the henchmen of Christ inflicted a cruel barbarism on every community they encountered.
Law was replaced by Divine Right, scientific method criminalized, ancient medical knowledge lost for a millennium. Women, fortunate to be domestic slaves, might find themselves in enforced celibacy, joyless marriage or burnt as a witch. Roasting heretics became popular entertainment and a religious duty.
8/4/2007 4:16:27 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
what a vivid imagination you have jewelz Jesus is not iaginary but very real although no one can see Him yet everyone shall see Him when He returns which He will
8/4/2007 8:47:20 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Is it any surprise that organised religion draws into itself the lonely hearts and the abandoned? Jesus is not merely an imaginary friend, he is also a fantasy lover.
Those SEXUALLY hung-up Christians – Loved-up for Jesus
With God's blessing, misogynistic Jewish scribes encoded a raft of sex crimes which sanctified racial ambition. The sacred mission was to populate and subdue the earth. Judaism bequeathed its unfortunate mix of ignorance and intolerance to a wayward faction of heretics known to the world as Christians. The enthusiasts of Christ elaborated on the notion that the body was a source of shame and that women were an inferior breed. Mortification of the flesh became the path of 'spiritual purity'.
But a triumphant Catholicism happily compromised the fierce strictures of the founders for worldly advantage. The 'Gospel of Sin' became a source of wealth and power for the pimping priests. Predators replaced the puritans. The consequence is that for two millennia Christianity's anti-sexual, puritanical doctrines have inflicted untold damage on the mental, emotional and physical lives of countless millions of people.
8/4/2007 9:39:50 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
well i think there is a middle ground people don't have to choose between being puritans and thinking its cool to have sex with whoever is available. some of those old rules would help keep down the std rates which keep going higher.
8/4/2007 11:59:03 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
8/4/2007 9:26:56 PM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
Hot, to be precise, I do not think they followed that star in sailing, but rather used it's position to show them where north was so they would know which way they needed to sail.
8/4/2007 10:11:11 PM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Oroville, CA
age: 31
I feel that everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Mine opinion is that Jesus is very real. I talk to him daily and he replies in his own way. He is my friend, my confidant, my saviour. I lean on him when life is rough and I praise and thank him every day for what he had given me. I am not lonely, I have lots of friends and family. Many believe as I do but not all. I follow the bible to the best of my ability but I don't beat myself up when I fail. Only Jesus was perfect, we are only human. I had my party days, I did my rebellion. I had a child out of wedlock. I am not always honest or nice. I occasionally drink and sometimes take the Lord's name in vain. And yet Jesus has been with me through it all and he will continue to be with me untill he returns and takes us home to live with him forever. Now that is my opinion
8/5/2007 3:16:14 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
oh it is a fact that Jesus is very real oh and jewelz you will see just how much of a fantasy He really is when He returns just as the bible has said actually lets not confuse imaginary friend to invisible friend one who is always there and who is going to return one day
[Edited 8/5/2007 12:27:00 PM]
8/7/2007 12:00:06 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
jewelz could you give christian bashing a rest, you dont like any religion we know that. Why not bother the buddhists or the Wiccans for a while.
8/7/2007 12:07:47 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
ok wildgirl I'll give it a rest...I'm going to bed...see you tomorrow;o))
8/13/2007 7:28:18 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
yeah my thought exactly and you will find out one day just how imaginary Jesus really is when He fulfills the prophecy
8/14/2007 8:54:40 PM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
Actually there are more people than ever realizing that Christianity is a fantasy than I would have ever realized. I had been keeping it to myself for so long so as to not offend anyone that I had no idea how many people thought like I do.
Wisdom is a wonderful thing.
8/14/2007 9:32:45 PM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 49
Christianity truly is not a fantasy.
There are just a number of people who refuse to see the truth (like Pontius Pilate) and/or take the time out to investigate and more importantly BELIEVE in the facts.
There is much evidence of the truth but some do not wish to see. Of course there are some mysteries we cannot answer, that which faith can only sustain.
Does that make it wrong, a fantasy?
Others see but do not wish to change their ways and the heart hardens. Still others wish to follow that which 'tickles' their ears, things that tell them what they want to hear, nonabsolutes. Still others were exposed to it but have fallen away for a number of reasons but all share in never really knowing their faith in the first place.
Heck, even satanists believe in the one true Heavenly God, the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, sacramentals and the crucifix.
This is evidenced in satanic rituals where consecrated hosts have been stolen and desecrated. Where the demon oppressed and possessed have been delivered from the evil spirits through by the power of the Triune God and the power of the Eucharist and the Crucifix.
Evidenced by what the demonic spirits have said during authentic exorcisms and how they acted when a consecrated priest has entered the room and by the horrendous responses when touched by a Catholic sacramental such as holy water.
I could go on and on about that.
Suppose the gifts of 'free will' and 'faith' are the keys to truly opening yourself up to 'belief' in the one true God.
8/15/2007 1:16:41 AM |
Jesus – The Imaginary Friend |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Actually Queen....An article printed in Newsweek on March 30,2007 says that 91% of Americans believe in God and that 87% say they identify w/ a specific Religion and 82% of the polls respondents identify themselves as Christians.
Im sure theres a possibility that in the last 4 1/2 months, some people have changed their minds,especially if they listen to the people who claim that they know for a fact that we are all brainwashed fools living in a mind controlled fantasy world.But even w/ taking that into consideration the #s are pretty high enough to suggest that Christianity is on the rise,Thank God!
Yes...wisdom is a wonderful thing, if used w/ good intentions. Peace