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6/10/2008 1:24:31 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Dothan, AL
age: 19

that a government can tell you what you can and cant do in the privacy in your bedroom? For example in AL, you cannot have any kind of sex toys and the only legal position to have sex in is the Missionary Position. is up with that? Its not any of there business what I or anybody else does in the privacy of a bedroom.

[Edited 6/10/2008 1:29:30 AM]

6/10/2008 1:42:54 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Yuba City, CA
age: 49 online now!

I'd be moving out of that state fast

6/10/2008 1:42:57 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Nashua, NH
age: 27 online now!

This is what happens when policy and laws are made based on emotion rather than reason.

Remember the history of America, with the puritans being the majority for a while. America has been (and to a degree, still is) a very christian nation. Unfortunately, the various denominations have been and still are very restrictive and negative towards human sexuality, trying to limit and discourage it in all it's forms, except for married people using the missionary position.

It's so bad, that in some countries where catholicism has become part of the culture, prostitutes are not allowed condoms because of the catholic ban on birth control. Of course these places have very high rates of aids. This kind of archaic, shortsightedness is part of what will eventually bring about the end of organized religion. They can't keep up with the changing times.

My biggest issue with these people, is that they believe they are superior to others and have a divine decree to tell everyone else what to do, that they know what is best for everyone. So they try to get their claws into courts, classrooms, the senate, the presidency, everywhere trying to force god and the bible down our throats. The office of faith based initiatives? Curing alcoholics with nothing but prayer? GIMME A BREAK! Abstinence only sex ed? MORONIC! Not letting priests marry? DISASTROUS! The words 'under god' snuck into the pledge of allegiance during the McCarthyism era? TREASONOUS! The ten commandments on public property like courthouses? WELL INTENTIONED, BUT WRONG! The word god on all our money? UNECESSARY FAVORITISM! Public School prayer? GO TO PRIVATE SCHOOL! Biggotry against gays and lesbians? LEVITICUS IS GARBAGE THAT NO ONE ADHERES TO ANYMORE, WHY CHERRYPICK THE ANTI-GAY PART?

Separation of church and state is very important. The reason this country was founded, was because people wanted to avoid religious persecution. Ironically, the persecuted became some of the worst at persecuting their own! And this has carried over into present day with overzelous citizens and lawmakers picking up the torch. The spectre of puritannical America looms over our great country. But it's starting to fade, we're starting to move away from that crap, to be more reasonable and tolerant.

6/10/2008 1:46:31 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Nashua, NH
age: 27 online now!

I read about a great court case. A heterosexual couple was charged with having oral sex, which was illegal in the state at the time. The defense filed a motion that all state prosecutors who had engaged in oral sex be disbarred.

Guess what happened? That law went bye bye!

6/10/2008 1:46:46 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Talladega, AL
age: 19

heh damn. i believe i heard something bout the toys but not the positions... i guess pretty much everyone in alabama should be locked up.
maybe thats why theyre building a bigger jail here in town


6/10/2008 1:50:59 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Dothan, AL
age: 19

I actually was told this by someone else on this site in this state and didnt believe him about the toys but i had known about the positions and i just found an article online about the toys.

6/10/2008 1:51:26 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Nashua, NH
age: 27 online now!

Quote from degablueyes:
heh damn. i believe i heard something bout the toys but not the positions... i guess pretty much everyone in alabama should be locked up.
maybe thats why theyre building a bigger jail here in town


The neo-cons two favorite buildings: Churches, and Prisons, for the sinners and saints

6/10/2008 1:54:06 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Dothan, AL
age: 19

thats probably why im not much of a church person because they try to convert all gay people and all bi people but its ok to provide alcohol for your underage children so they can get drunk

I guess im probably gonna end up in hell for this post

6/10/2008 1:54:09 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Los Angeles, CA
age: 40

Quote from your_sweetie:

I'd be moving out of that state fast

i would do the same.....
thats bullshit...... almost sounds like a joke,
how does the government monitor that..?? is there a
Sex Police ..?? what happens, if you get caught doing it "doggystyle"
a fine ?? jail time ..?? a slap on the wrist, and told.."don't do it again"
what happens to a repeat offender .?? ...

6/10/2008 1:56:46 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Dothan, AL
age: 19

Quote from venice427:
Quote from your_sweetie:

I'd be moving out of that state fast

i would do the same.....
thats bullshit...... almost sounds like a joke,
how does the government monitor that..?? is there a
Sex Police ..?? what happens, if you get caught doing it "doggystyle"
a fine ?? jail time ..?? a slap on the wrist, and told.."don't do it again"
what happens to a repeat offender .?? ...

Thats what i want to know i can be a bit of a freak ive done stuff outside in plain site (at night) and it wasnt missionary

and you know cops and political figures in AL aren't following these rules

6/10/2008 2:00:00 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Nashua, NH
age: 27 online now!

Yeah, more and more of these family values christian republicans are turning out to be gays, cheats and wh*remasters.

Talk about practicing what you preach. Or maybe it's more of a "do as I say, not as I do" thing.

6/10/2008 2:00:38 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Mansfield, TX
age: 46 online now!

So I guess "chandelier sex" is totally out of the question?

6/10/2008 2:02:05 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Dothan, AL
age: 19

Quote from metu:
So I guess "chandelier sex" is totally out of the question?

Of course it now do as i say not as i do type thing i guess just like the other guy said

6/10/2008 2:03:13 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Nashua, NH
age: 27 online now!

Quote from lildevil19:
thats probably why im not much of a church person because they try to convert all gay people and all bi people but its ok to provide alcohol for your underage children so they can get drunk

I guess im probably gonna end up in hell for this post

The thing that gets me fired up, is that some of them say that all people from other religions, like Hindus and Buddists ect, will all go to hell for not accepting jesus christ as their personal lord and savior. And of course, atheists and agnostics are going to hell too. Even if they are good people who live good lives, respectful, generous, non-violent, loving, doesn't matter. I can't believe that a supposedly loving god would be so cruel.

6/10/2008 2:06:45 AM How is it right its a messed up law  

Mansfield, TX
age: 46 online now!

My cousin, who happens to be gay, grew up in Dothan & "came out" there...she had hell to pay for it, too! Many a time I spent summers there & saw the bullshit that she had to endure...sometimes by her own family! I don't envy you being a teenager there, but we did pave the way for you! Do they still drive "The Circle" there?

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