6/11/2008 2:58:11 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |

Rocklin, CA
age: 21
i swear ive been single forever...and i dont know if its just that i cant see when a girl is tryin to get me to talk to her or what...i suck at the game...LOL
6/11/2008 3:11:16 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Cary, NC
age: 27
UMMMMMM no sir..you're not by any means ugly...wish I was 20 again...keep your pretty little head up..you'll find her
6/11/2008 3:14:37 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Chino, CA
age: 27
well your not ugly so thats not your problem. you will find her.
6/11/2008 4:06:26 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Freeport, FL
age: 24
nah man you're a good looking dude, persistence is the key.
ps. i'm not gay.
6/11/2008 4:36:42 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Everett, PA
age: 24
you're not ugly! a lot of people have been single for awhile, for a lot of reasons!
take that cute lil puppy of yours out more often, you'll find a sweet girl that way
6/11/2008 5:42:11 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |

Pompano Beach, FL
age: 21
Kord.. You're not ugly.. You're handsome.. Maybe the reason that you are single is because you go for the wrong type of women. Usually guys that are consistently single go for the skinny and ditzy girls. Then the guy gets hurt. You should try looking for a girl that is heavy set and not ditzy.. I'm not telling you to chance your search peramiters. But, quite possibly I think that altering them just alittle bit would help.
I hope that that helps
If you need another help, I am here
6/11/2008 6:26:21 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |

Statesville, NC
age: 28
Quit sweating it your only 20 it will come in time
6/11/2008 7:00:51 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |

Corpus Christi, TX
age: 23
man im having the same problem u are dude, been single forever 
6/11/2008 7:46:28 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Hoboken, NJ
age: 24
as the last 5 or so people said, your not ugly at all. Things happen when you least expect them. Sometimes you just gotta stop looking so hard for it and let it come to you. Gotta go through all the wrong ones before you get the right one. Kepp your head up and have fun! your only young once..enjoy it!!
6/11/2008 7:49:06 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Austin, TX
age: 24
kordlacoix, you are definitely not ugly. i guess most girls just don see what they are missing on
6/11/2008 9:12:28 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
West Jordan, UT
age: 25
u are definately not ugly...I have the same problem...I used to think that I was ugly..(who knows maybe I am) But being on this webcite has atleast given me a confidence boost because I am being told that I am not form nice guys on here...so hang in there...just remember ur definately not even close to ugly!
6/11/2008 10:28:02 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Gulfport, MS
age: 19
i'm sure when you least expect it the best will happen for ya! (:
6/12/2008 8:53:30 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |

Middletown, NJ
age: 22
you just gotta find that certain type for you man. your a good lookin dude you just have to keep your head up n keep lookin out, youll find her or shell find you.
6/21/2008 7:01:19 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Underwood, IA
age: 22
Nah If you were ugly you'd look like the guy to the left....shit thats me
6/21/2008 7:24:39 PM |
am i just ugly or do i just not see the signs girls throw at me...??? |
Grand Rapids, MI
age: 29
I've seen ugly people before and I wouldn't say you belong in that crowd. As far as girls throwing signs at you, most of the time it's bad news if she comes out and hits you over the head with something, it's a bit predatorial. Fun sex, but still usually bad news. The good ones usually give you subtle hints that they're interested and it's up to you as a man to hit her over the head with something. I've had good women and bad women but not the right one yet. Relax, if you wanted to be a wh*re you could, if you want to use looks and charm to lure the right one you can. It's going to boil down to your state of mind, you've got more going on for you than many men but don't let it get to your head.