Alpine, UT
age: 19
If a guy doesn't like you, he'll stop talking to you. If a girl doesn't like you, she'll try not to hurt your feelings.
Fredericksburg, VA
age: 21
Sad to say that females do for the most part...and usually it is so they can gain something in return. Usually money or gifts but sometimes just for more. Also though Guys are not innocent either!!!!
Fountain, CO
age: 19
No i think girls lead on guys more cus a girl was leadin me on for a good 3 to 4 weeks just to mess with me. It always seems nice to be used ..
Fort Worth, TX
age: 18
angry fat chick coming through
Synar98 bro you cold blooded
Bellingham, WA
age: 26
there was a guy that was like talking to me but than kept saying he was coming up(his idea) and then calling me back right before and saying he wasnt coming- he kept doing that- I figured he didnt want me, so I didnt let it get to me but then a day or two later he'd call me or even text me again calling me things like 'hon' and stuff- is that leading on. Dont really know why he would do that if it was his idea- Im just not calling him anymore.
Underwood, IA
age: 21
Guys.... Sometimes its to save someones feelings and sometimes they're d*cks course women do it too but...ya guys do