8/8/2007 3:50:03 AM |
What Bible story can you most relate to.... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
I teach Sunday School to 5 thru 10 yr.olds and always try to show them the comparisons between the stories in the Bible and there every day life.The story of Joseph and his brothers is the one I can relate most to and heres why.......
Like Joseph,I was a dreamer,thought that my dreams had a bigger meaning,and at one time,dad liked me best (im the oldest of 6)!
Like Joseph,I was shunned and ridiculed by brothers & sisters,cause I think differently!
Like Joseph,I was tossed in a hole(abandoned),but rescued!
Like Joseph,I found favor w/ some,but in the end I was wrongly accused and in "my own"prison I went,but always made the best of it!
Like Joseph,when all was said and done...I forgave and not only became a bigger and better person,but a more kinder and compassionate one at that!!!!
8/9/2007 9:50:39 PM |
What Bible story can you most relate to.... |

Lakeland, FL
age: 54
My favorite is of Judas. The least thought of Apostle because he betrayed Jesus and threw himself over a cliff or hung himself (depends on your version of the Bible). Everyone knows he was something wrong that he died for betraying Jesus. WRONG. The whole point of the story of resurection is that Jesus came to pay for some sin our ancestors commited. He redeemed us by His blood. Someone had to betray Jesus in order for that to happen. Judas did what he was born to do. The whole point of the whole story was if Judas had only waited 3 days he would have known he did exactly what was expected of him. Do not trust negative thoughts or condemn your own self. Everyone thinks Peter is the apostle Jesus was talking about when He said the one thrown away would be the conerstone of the church. It was JUDAS that brings the true meaning of the story to us. Bear witness, be patient, have faith. The temple will be rebuilt in 3 days. No one ever explains it this way do they? Read for yourself. It is the only thing that makes sense. Why would a God who is known as Love itself demand such punishment for doing what needed to be done in this case? It does not make logical sense to read Judas story any other way. It is my favorite because it gives me hope on the darker days when it seems all is lost because mankind seems to shun you like a plague. That is when Judas comes mighty in handy. Wait and it will turn out good. It always does.
8/9/2007 11:13:46 PM |
What Bible story can you most relate to.... |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
King James Version ....Rain
8/11/2007 6:44:15 AM |
What Bible story can you most relate to.... |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
Jesus also says not everyone who calls Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. In order to get forgiveness there has to be a true repentance of the heart.
I guess I most relate to Paul. Very out spoken and holds truly to my beliefs.
8/14/2007 7:00:51 AM |
What Bible story can you most relate to.... |

Lakeland, FL
age: 54
Another thought about Judas....
To support he was the stone Jesus refered to as the cornerstone of the faith:
When we all can accept ourselves the way we are and actually love ourself we can actually accept and love everyone else. We can not accept love from others until we truely love ourself. Judas could not accept himself for what he had done. Jesus had been preaching his whole life about acceptance instead of laws and rules. Think outside the box sort of. The only time you get mad at someone is when you really are angry at yourself. Read a book called On Agression. It will help understand this very well. Anyway Judas is the stone cast aside. He was the one to leave and his story has the key to loving each other in it. Accept yourself, forgive yourself, trust in God that He has made you and your life what it should be, love yourself than you can begin to love others then there will be no need for agression.
8/14/2007 1:10:02 PM |
What Bible story can you most relate to.... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
I like what you have to say and the way you say it,but theres one thing I dont completely agree with.There are times when I behave badly towards someone and later realize that there were other things going on w/ me that contributed to the severity of the way I responded and more times than not,I seek out that person and apologize for my behavior.I do not apologize however for being angry at or not agreeing with them,just for the way I reacted to it.
I have been called passive/aggressive by professionals and work daily on becoming a more patient,assertive person.I think for me I get passion and aggression mixed up by seeing them as almost the same,when their not at all.
Thanks for your post...It got me thinking in the right direction....I pray!!!LOL Peace
8/14/2007 7:46:17 PM |
What Bible story can you most relate to.... |

Ebensburg, PA
age: 43
JJ (Gator Girl?)
Not sure I agree with everything you said about Judas but really connected with a couple of your points. I know God would have forgiven him if he had just repented. Instead he did what I (and many others I'm sure) do, he took the action that seemed correct to him at the time based upon his own imperfect knowledge and judgement and just made matters worse. Your point about him waiting just three days would have made a world (scratch that) an eternity of difference. God recently showed me I need to get in the back of the bus and enjoy the trip more and (like Greyhound says) leave the driving to us! Instead I keep trying to grab the wheel...need to be in charge....screw up again and again. He's trying to teach me patience and build my Faith to trust Him in ALL things. So many times in my life...if I had just waited 3 minutes, hours, days...it would have made a world of difference.
I often connect with King David (namesake) because he took action and lived life to the fullest...also because he screwed up big time on several occaisions and had to deal with permanent consequences (in temporal terms)... but his faith continued to grow, especially in the bad times. He had many enemies to include members of his own family but he persisted. He loved to sing and dance and he loved the ladies (can I hear an AMEN girls?! after all, God did inspire Song of Solomon) but most of all he loved and praised God.
great topic!