6/20/2008 10:02:20 AM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |
Metairie, LA
age: 42
Woman give sex to get love. Men give love to get sex.    
7/13/2008 2:19:39 PM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |

Carencro, LA
age: 56
naaa Men say and do anything and everything to get sex Women have sex with someone once they are falling in love.
7/31/2008 9:08:33 AM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |
Baton Rouge, LA
age: 35
what if you just love sex hehehehe

8/1/2008 8:49:50 AM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |
Denham Springs, LA
age: 37
I disagree with that. Sometimes woman will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get sex. You don't always have to fall in love to have sex. Sometimes sex is better that way!!!
8/1/2008 2:05:27 PM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |

Olla, LA
age: 53
sometimes its better when its sex for sex    
8/5/2008 6:41:27 AM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |

Natchez, LA
age: 51
I disagree with that. Sometimes woman will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get sex. You don't always have to fall in love to have sex. Sometimes sex is better that way!!!  Call me!
8/29/2008 11:25:41 AM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |
Oil City, LA
age: 46
Are none of you confident enough to have both???!!!!!
I have friends I love...men I love, but sleep with them? PLEASE.
Vice versa too. At our ages can't we just be honest and enjoy our freedom!??
We're past childbearing and all the stupid kiddie hang ups.
Aren't you?::signhelp
9/25/2008 8:45:05 AM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |

West Monroe, LA
age: 44
Now your makig us sound cheap... please. we dont give sex to get love ,if you think that than your pretty shallow and you give all of us women a bad name. And as for men giving love to get sex , my my my you have no clue, if you base a whole relationship on just sex than im sorry you are never going to to find love, cause a relationship is based on way more than just sex my friend.
9/27/2008 9:00:40 AM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |

Bordelonville, LA
age: 48
does itreally matter how has long as someone is getting laid! 
10/15/2008 7:55:49 PM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |
Destrehan, LA
age: 33
I agree with u 100%!!!! lol
10/15/2008 8:07:00 PM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |
Metairie, LA
age: 42
Now your makig us sound cheap... please. we dont give sex to get love ,if you think that than your pretty shallow and you give all of us women a bad name. And as for men giving love to get sex , my my my you have no clue, if you base a whole relationship on just sex than im sorry you are never going to to find love, cause a relationship is based on way more than just sex my friend.
I have more class in 2 seconds than some people in a lifetime!! This was a quotation i read that a woman stated previously. However, i appreciate everyone's input. Just have fun with it.
10/16/2008 7:35:02 AM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |


Crane Hill, AL
age: 56
I think men and women are far more alike than they want to admit. I know for a fact that I've had women try anything to get me to love them and I've had a couple try to get me in bed. It just seems that almost every woman (at least those in the south) seem to think every man is out for sex first then if a relationship happens the guy may be good for that too. My experience is that this does not hold up to the test. Women in my older age put up the front like it's some kind of requirement but once the damn has broken they become as wide open and anxious to have sex as I've ever been. Can't tell me that a woman doesn't want sex just as much as men! IMO women enjoy it far much more than men but have to play mental games with themselves to justify the sex. Guys don't have to justify it so much as to simply find an attraction to the woman who is flirting with him. Lots of times I run into women who like to flirt then withold like she's getting her jollies playing some kind of cat and mouse game.
10/21/2008 2:00:41 PM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |

Deridder, LA
age: 40
Amen brother!!!!
11/14/2008 4:18:38 PM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |
Kenner, LA
age: 49
does itreally matter how has long as someone is getting laid!  hi, looking for someone to get to know?, if so look me up!!
11/14/2008 4:57:06 PM |
What gives... LOVE/SEX !!! |

Baton Rouge, LA
age: 20
If this is the case, then why are some girls wh*res?
Girls love sex just as much as we do.
U don't always have to trick a girl into having sex with u.
I've had girls that just wanted sex.