Monteagle, TN
age: 53
There is a theory known as the 'Theory of Cognitive Dissonance' ( TCD ) that holds that, the mind involuntarily rejects information not in line with previous thoughts and/or actions. If you are unaware, you are unaware of being unaware!
When people are confronted with opposing beliefs or ones incompatible with their own, they are likely to ignore or negate that belief. They do this in order to convince themselves that they have not behaved foolishly by committing to false beliefs.
To assure themselves that they have been wise in supporting their position, they often convince themselves that those who oppose that position are foolish and truly objects for contempt and derision.

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I think it is often difficult to change your mind. For some like me when I had a breakdown some years ago, a large part of the reason was that what I had believed all my life turned out to not be true. I am not necessarily talking religion here but it was another thing that was not what I had thought it to be all my life.
When you have had your whole belief system turned upside down it takes not only a few years to get your feet back on the ground but a good while to believe in anything again. Especially anything anyone tells you.
However if I can research and find out for myself I am not opposed to changing my mind.

Bartlett, IL
age: 42