Garfield, GA
age: 53
I have been looking for a woman who loves GOD with all her heart and has studied the BIBLE enough that almost every church is not Worshipping the FATHER or HIS SON as they wish. We have mixed so much paganism in with our worship that it is an abomination to HIM. Churches have been doing it wrong for so long that almost everyone is of the illusion that the love GOD. It will be a surprise to most on judgement day when they come to the SON and say LORD LORD did we not do all these good works for your kingdom but sadly HE is going to exclaim to them "depart from me you worker of iniquity---I never knew you. I am a kind gentle loving affectionate cuddly teady bear looking for the one woman who loves GOD with all her being. Are they that hard to find????

Garfield, GA
age: 53
on one odf the other forums I ask this question not one has answered the question? Does someone have a real answer here?

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
Yes, it seems that way in this society but we are out here!