Willis, TX
age: 23
Lol.. just wondering looking for some people in Tx

Allentown, PA
age: 23
I've seen a few TX people but not many...maybe you should come here...

Willis, TX
age: 23
I should.. ready to leave this place and go somewhere new.. been single 3 years and tired of seeing the same people all the time lol

Allentown, PA
age: 23
Hey it's not any easier here. Except we have the city slick drug dealin guys. I'd love to meet a clean cut country boy. Texas is beautiful, well what i've seen of it anyway and the cities out there aren't much better i've heard.

Houston, TX
age: 20
lmao i'm exactly the same. in fact i've been single for 3 years as of today.. i remember certain dates because i'm pretty weird.. but houston sucks when it comes to dating. still waiting for someone to prove me wrong.