Fredericksburg, VA
age: 21
Ok so this new tattoo that i am wanting to get will be my fifth. So far I have a heart with a devils tail on my butt, a heart with tribal around it on my lower back, a rose with my ex's name on my ankle, and on my left shoulder is two dolphins with semi-tribal around it with two of my three kids names and birthdays.
So now I want to get another tattoo that wouldn't be girlish and not something that i will regret later to go on my right shoulder with my son's name and birthday. I was thinking about a sunset over the ocean/beach. Any suggestions?

Lewisville, TX
age: 31
Depending on what his zodiac sign is...that might be neat...i got mine on the back of my neck

Hartselle, AL
age: 47
Well I have 5 also and I have one thats an ankel braclet of hearts, well in the back we did a bigger heart with my first grandsons name in it, well 6 grand kids later they are asking where is their names, So I have started a new one, Its on my right calf, its a single stem rose that has a string of hearts that as they wrap around they get bigger and now we are taking the hearts down the side of my calf with in each one is a name of one of my grand kids, Its looking great! and it helps if you have more kids you can just add another heart, To keep it from being too girlish add something more to it, Good luck!!!
[Edited 7/10/2008 6:00:00 AM]

Watertown, NY
age: 30
Holy crap! 3 kids and you're only 20??!! Did you have triplets? 

Texarkana, TX
age: 31
I know a hot chic that I hooked up with that has a butterfly tattoo on her p*ssy the lips of her p*ssy is where the wings of the butterfly begin so the body of the butterfly looks like her p*ssy lips the clit being her head

Vero Beach, FL
age: 29
you should get my name inked on your ass. that would be awesome

Lancaster, WI
age: 22
get one of his fav. characters on you if he likes pooh bear put that on with his name just find something he likes and decide from there