Farmington, IL
age: 47
Warren, MI
age: 48
Thanks for the Happy Birthday Chillytoes..... My younger sisters was born a year and 12 days after me.... that ment two crabs in one house.... She is a red head, looked like Carol Bernette..., was as funny as her too, she had me laughing most of the time.... like when we watched our first dirty movie together, and she seen that I was embarrassed and so she put her head down between her legs and said, "How'd they do that." That was funny as hell... She made me laugh so hard while eating noodles the damn food came out my nose... boy did that sting.....
Though we are cancer... the crabs... we are fun people...
Thanks again.
Silvis, IL
age: 48
2 of my granbabies have July birthdays.
July 11 and he is 6
July 15 and she is 3
A very good friend's is on the 28th (she won't let me tell the age)
Does that count?
Joliet, IL
age: 32
Vet, I'm there...LOL Going party party party this weekend..!LOL Have a Happy B-day...!