Royal Oak, MI
age: 27
bruce lee, my opinion lee is the reason martial arts in america is so popular, there would be no mma or no ufc today without bruce"s impact on the martial arts. infact the different arts were only suppose to kept within the asian race. bruce bridged the gap between east and west and taught who ever who wanted to learn. i think these fighters today should thank bruce if it wasnt for him there would be none of this today.

Eugene, OR
age: 67 online now!
There americans teaching in the US long before Bruce Lee, & some had already imported Asians to do the teaching here. I started traing in the 1960 ...they were already here with well established dojos.
Calgary, AB
age: 42
The brazillian jujutsu used so much in the UFC is originally based on japanese daito ryu from almost 100 yrs ago..
Bruce had an influence, but to say MMA would not exist if not for bruce is a BIG stretch.. He had a big part in changing the way we see the arts.. And he was pivotal, in bringing the chinese arts to america.
I think he could have been a lot more influential had he lived and finnished the work he was doing..
Etobicoke, ON
age: 39
Bruce was surely the one that made martial arts popular. I don't know if martial arts would be that popular if it wasn't for Bruce Lee. His movies motiviated a lot of people asian or not.

Lancaster, CA
age: 53
I believe Bruce Lee is so great.. He is a hero.. But I have to disagree.. There was Pancrease.. and other forms of martial arts.. WAY before Bruce Lee.. In fact.. Bruce Lee.. towards the end of his life.. began to deal with grappling.. in his defense.. to his credit! AND certainly.. there was the Peking opera.. which started the martial arts movies before there was film!!