7/10/2008 4:28:05 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Ok, I am no spring chicken, but I have been working out for 30 years, so am in good shape...except for,
you guessed it, the lower belly. I just bought 2 exercise videos and am cutting back on carbs. Has anyone
here gotten rid of that belly, and how? I do Pilates already every other day.
7/11/2008 8:30:44 AM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |
Etobicoke, ON
age: 40
Easy way is to stop consuming diary products, sugars, corn oil, vegetable oil, soy oil and canola oil. Figure out how you you need to eat then eat every 2 hours 5 to 6 times a day. This will increase your metabolism. Drink plenty of water.
There is no such as target training to lose fat at the tummy. Simply do cardio exercises. I suggest changing to different cardio exercises daily.
Start consuming coconut oi, it will increase your metabolism also. Start with two teaspoon then slowly work up to 4 a day.
7/11/2008 7:11:22 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Thanks. At my age, feel I need my yoghurt. Only a retirement income, it gives me protein and calcium. I did
do the workouts and what they do give me is motivation to eat less! I know that I need to lose 5 to 8 pounds,
which is not much, but I am not that big a person, so it is quite a bit for me. Thanks for tips. alice
7/15/2008 4:54:21 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |
Little Rock, AR
age: 37
Revearse crunchies are good at toning down the lower abs. You just have to be carefull of your lower back if you have any kind of back issues. Also any kind of forward bend (in standing position with stomach gently pulled towards your back.) followed by a gentle back bend (as far as is comfortable for you without any discomfort) (stomach pulled in towards your spine as you do this, and being done slowly is good) in as little as three days you could see results, just doing five a day preferably at night.
Good luck
7/15/2008 9:08:10 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Thanks. I bought 2 ab dvd's, Yoga Abs, and one more. Each dvd has 3 10 min workouts. I have now done
all the dvds twice, and I feel motivated to keep it up and also to eat less, since fat, as we know, is fat!
7/21/2008 8:39:57 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Conroe, TX
age: 57
Seems best way to lose is diet. I won't diet because I lose the boobs first and I just am not willing to do that. I have done lots of ab work but it just does not seem to burn the fat. I have strong abs tho. Good luck and let us know if it works for you. I may go get me some dvds.
7/22/2008 6:15:26 AM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
I have been doing them and I do see and feel a difference. I am also working on the weight loss. August vacation
is coming up, and I want to look grand on the beach! I bought Prevention Better Belly Yoga and The Firm Core
Solutions. I don't care for the Firm generally, but this one is not bad. Each has 3 10 min sections, so I can do
the entire dvd throughout the day. I also do Pilates.
9/9/2008 4:06:31 AM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 50
Strength Training, period. You use your core without realizing it, the added benefit of strength training.
( don't be afraid to eat, food is your friend )
If you skip a meal here and there, it won't hurt you, not unless you're a body builder, but if you strength train and skip meals, you will lose weight and cut faster.
Cardio will only take you so far, your body gets very used to it.
CORE! Read everything you can about training your core.
If nothing else, abs and core training.
Best advise nobody gives anybody? ALWAYS DO ABS FIRST!
That is when you have the most energy, and motivation.
If you have access to an ab crunch chair, use it, and go heavy.
The abs are like any other muscle group, they respond to hitting them hard, hitting them heavy, and hitting them fast.
My personal routine:
3 sets of 15 reps on an ab crunch chairn and by the time I get to my 15 rep, I am dead.
If not, increase the resistance.
3 sets of hanging leg lifts, 15 reps. I hold a weight between my ankles.
Have a partner put the dumbell between your feet, or stack one on top the the other so you can grap it with your feet.
3 sets of any oblique exercise, 15 reps both sides, so, thst is a 30 rep set. X 3.
Total abs reps for the above = 180 reps.
We ARE talking abs here, right?
Takes about 20 mins, and well worth the investment.
You will build your abs, then you will see the muscles, then, you can concentrate on losing the surrounding fat through diet. BUT, abs don't just appear, and this is important. If you want to lose the flab, REPLACE it with muscle, by building the muscle! Simple!
9/11/2008 8:01:45 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Conroe, TX
age: 57
My belly fat is getting smaller now. I am now doing 15 minutes of cardio when possible every time I have time as many days as possible and sometimes several times a day. I also am still doing all the ab exercises my trainer has given me. It seems to work better to do the cardio, get into the fat burning level and go immediately to the gym and work out. Gym is 2-3 minutes away.
9/13/2008 7:10:57 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
I am improving, too. Weight loss is the key. I was just plain overeating (nuts) and drinking too much beer in
this climate. When it is 112, a cold beer goes down in a couple gulps. I am really focusing on my Pilates. Pants
are just a tad looser, and now that I see improvement, I am motivated to fight the snack and beer urge.
E, cardio is hard right now as I have plantar fasciitis, but that too is improving. So mat work it is, and weights.
[Edited 9/13/2008 7:11:59 PM PST]
9/13/2008 7:38:34 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |

Redding, CA
age: 55
Alice, you tell me to get my electrolytes without the carbs and you are drinking too much BEER???!!! 
9/14/2008 1:32:47 AM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Any beer is too much if you want to lose the ab flab. I agree with the guy who wrote about the core, am a Pilates
fan to the max. However, all the exercises in the world are zero if a person overeats. Don't get me wrong, I love
getting tipsy and love to kick back with a glass of wine or vodka, but if I want a flat tummy, that has to mean more
than getting a buzz.
9/16/2008 8:13:18 PM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Conroe, TX
age: 57
I do some serious ab work when I do it. I have weights around the ankles and have a 20 lb bar and lift the bar up to meet the legs that I lift straight up as well. I lower both near to floor and then repeat. I started with regular ab work and then when I could not get a burn, he started using the 12 bar in this routine. The 12 lb got too easy now I have tweaked it a bit and I still get a burn. I try to do it twice a week.
I do lots of other ab routines as well. I will try to look some of them up to link to later. Tired now.
9/17/2008 2:40:34 AM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
You are one buffed woman! I was buffed in my 40's, now take it much easier as the joints tell me to! Just ordered
two new dvds, one is a Pilates and the other is yoga. I am sure that overeating and overdrinking is source of most
ab flab. When I had a hysterectomy at age 55, my surgeon said that my ab muscles were those of someone 20 years
younger, so exercise does pay off (as we know).
10/20/2008 5:54:48 AM |
Can It Be Done? Losing the Ab Flab.... |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Just an update.. by cutting portions, sweets, and up the ab work outs, I can button my pants again, well, most
pairs! The moral is, don't gain it in the first place. They claim that as we age, it gets impossible, and I refuse
to accept that. My mom was slim and trim all her long life, no belly. I went overboard on the nuts as an evening
snack, and just have to have popcorn or an apple instead.