McMinnville, TN
44, joined Jul. 2011
I'm not trying to start a political argument or anything, just wondering how my fellow Tennesseans feel about the possibility that the gov't is looking at out e-mails, keeping track of our phone calls, and just the general Big Brother aspect of what they're doing.
I'm not too fond of the idea myself, because when the gov't starts something it never ever gets smaller it only grows and grows and it makes you wonder what they'll be doing in the very near future.
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Powell, TN
49, joined Mar. 2009
I would think that they have been doing this all along and we are just now finding out about it.
Chuckey, TN
24, joined Oct. 2012
I wonder what kind of laughs they would get if they saw all the Viagra solicitations that get sent to my email address on a daily basis? I wonder if they would hire a translator for all the Japanese spam and porn links that I always receive ( I know where they came from, a Japanese pen pal I once had had her account hijacked for a while! ). They would probably think I am getting a lot of "strange" by the number of things I receive from "fling" style dating sites ( which I never signed up for ) or that I am trying to order a bride from Russia ( which again, I never signed up for. I have reason to believe that OkCupid sells email addresses as that was the only account ever tied to that address. I will never date a Russian again, big mistake! ).
Working for the NSA in this capacity would probably be a perverts paradise ( we know the TSA is one too! ) especially if they intercepted a string of naughty pictures between a couple's sexting session.
If I knew they were intercepting and reading my emails regularly, I would go the library, create a few bogus email accounts, and send those accounts bogus random blocks of text ( wrote a program to do this with ) and send it to those accounts. I might even waste their time a little bit more by encrypting it in a weird crypto program such as MD5 or SHA1.
[Edited 8/12/2013 5:36:38 PM ]


Powell, TN
49, joined Mar. 2009
I figure with the national debt if all they have to do is spend money spying on the general public then they have some serious problems.